Ciao! Sono Ferran e vengo di Barcellona, della Spagna! 🙋🏻‍♂️

When I was in Spain I studied for two years degree of tourism. It opened me so many jobs opportunities related with customer service, I’ve been in a tourist information point, I worked as a receptionist, I was for a while in a travel agency…✈️

My curiosity of exploring new cultures, new countries and new people brought me to many places abroad, mainly in Ireland where I worked as a waiter for 2 years. 🇮🇪Always working in the same field, I ended up loving so much working with people. So far it’s what I’m looking for, cooperating can be a great experience to grow as a person and develop new skills. And which best place to start a volunteer for the first time than Italy? Its people, its food, its history, its culture… 🤌🏻🍝I always loved this country so much!

At the current moment along with the volunteer I’m studying Art History in an online university from Spain, so here I will be able to see most of the things that I’m studying.🎭

Thank you so much @eurosud_ngo to host me in Triggiano and thanks to and Eurexia for supporting this international experience!