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International mobility for all and adapted to all. This is also the main objective of the project You’re UP, directly in continuity with the Erasmus+/ESC projects that we coordinate since the creation of Parcours le Monde Sud-Est. European mobility, regardless of country and theme, is accessible to all. Mobility, and even more with an audience with fewer opportunities, is always a transformative tool, and the objective of this project is to use this tool for better socio-professional inclusion of young people with less opportunities.

In the short term, the objective of the You’re up project is to develop the skills and abilities of volunteers, for a return to effective and fulfilled socio-professional inclusion. It is a question of using this European device to support a public distant from employment, in a situation of blocked socio-professional inclusion, and to give them a different tool, which becomes theirs, via which they refocus on the direction they want to take in their professional path.

Young people have an opportunity to test this direction for 2 months, and are accompanied on their return also to maintain this new dynamic, to use the knowledge and skills acquired to put them into practice either on an LT project or on a direct integration into employment or training.

In addition to short-term mobility, this project presents the coordination of a medium-long-term sending project of 6 months, for youths we are following and who left on a first short-term volunteering mobility of two months as part of our previous projects.


The aim is to offer a follow-up to the mobility experience for these young people with the support of the association and this way strengthening their acquired skills as well as developing new ones.
For the hosting aspect of the project, it involves offering a mission of engagement to an European audience, by participating in the revitalization of the local territory and enabling the volunteers skills development. The organization will also support the volunteer towards his/her socio-professional integration, which remains the heart of our activity.

In the long term, the project is part of a dynamic to promote non-formal education and European mobility as a recognized tool for socio-professional integration, with the final objective of generalizing the use of this tool, particularly volunteering in the short term, by making it accessible to all, to participate in the social cohesion of Europe and the employability of young Europeans citizens who have a sense of solidarity and open-mind.

With an audience who is looking for a personal and professional project, in search of its roots, social network and local action, there are many benefits on a personal and professional level. Immagine gratuita di alla moda, alla ricerca, amici

Mobility  volunteering is considered to be an inflection point in the volunteer’s journey, medium to long-term mobility allowing reinforcement in skills acquisition.
At Parcours le Monde Sud-Est, there is no dissemination of offers or selection process for candidates for volunteering.

Our internal policy requires that we work with a view to strengthening support for a public far removed from mobility, in order to offer young people, at the appropriate time, the construction of the mobility project.

Furthermore, the very decision to embark on a project, to build it and to see their mobility materialize is a great source of pride. This allows him/her to develop self-confidence, to make him/her aware of his/her abilities, to value the acquired skills.

The project becomes his/her project: the notion of belonging which comes into play emphasizes one of the central points of the work of educators and social workers with young NEETS. The lack of space and time to build projects that emanate from young people and that are made for them. In the same time, volunteers also realize that they belong to Europe, a discovery which opens doors previously unknown.
More concretely, You’re UP will have a multidisciplinary impact on the volunteers involved. The project makes it possible to work on the inclusion of the NEETS public through the engagement of young people in missions with varied and adapted themes.


Immagine gratuita di all'aperto, alla moda, alla ricerca

2. Mobilities and activities :
This project takes the form of a European voluntary engagement path, by sending 6 French volunteers to Europe and hosting 2 European volunteers in Marseilles, on different solidarity missions.



Main missions offered:
– Hosting of two Spanish volunteers in France at Parcours le Monde sud-est in Marseille : Mission is to promote European mobility through support for raising awareness among young people during information meetings and forums and other local events, support for running linguistic, cultural and intercultural workshops, integration into a network of international volunteers.
– Volunteering short term two months and medium long term six months in Spain : promotion of European mobility, awareness of European citizenship, implementation and participation in various activities such as linguistic, cultural, intercultural, manual, artistic, sporting workshops for different audiences (young people, children, the elderly)
– Sending in short term volunteering of two months and medium long term of six months in Italy : promotion of mobility and various possible additional missions according to the profile and needs of the volunteer (bartending in a cultural cafe, cooking, animation networks social activities, activities in a social centre, promotion activities within an association of international students, participation in the activities of an organization for the creation of role-playing games).


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