EUROSUD , organization for international youth mobility would like to inform you about a volunteering experience.

Association situated in Morocco-Casablanca organizing next month an Arabic languages courses during two weeks,4 days in week and 2 hours in days.In free time there will be time for local travel and discovering Morocco.

This activity will take place in Casablanca city, starting from next 15 August till 31 August.

More info: fakkar.karim.ensaj@gmail.com


eurosud«Il progetto servirà a sviluppare le capacità di comunicazione, l’autostima, la creatività e l’indipendenza dei giovani» commenta il presidente del Forum dei Giovani.

Con il nuovo anno cresce la partneship Forum dei Giovani-Eurosud ed è pronta per proporre ai giovani coratini nuove opportunità di esperienza Europea inserite nel programma Erasmus+.

«Il Forum dei Giovani Comune di Corato con la partnership con Eurosud ha dato vita ad un nuovo capitolo di politiche giovanili di respiro europeo a favore dei giovani coratini e della nostra città che si sta facendo conoscere ed apprezzare attraverso le giornate Erasmus +» sottolinea il presidente del Forum Luigi Menduni.

«Queste opportunità di orizzonte europeo – aggiunge – stimolano i nostri ragazzi a pensare in modo glocale, senza dimenticare il loro territorio, ma con una visione aperta e di grande dialogo.

A questo proposito vi presentiamo “Turn around” (Trakai, Lituania, 26 Marzo 2016 – 3 Aprile 2016): è un progetto di scambio giovanile, che avrà lo scopo di affrontare la vostra paura del palcoscenico. Questa paura può causare disagio, prevenire o addirittura rovinare la carriera. Durante le attività di questo scambio giovanile, cercheremo di capire come superare e conciliare, non solo la paura da scena, ma anche altre paure simili.

Il progetto coinvolgerà un gruppo di 40 giovani provenienti da Italia, Lettonia, Turchia, Portogallo e Lituania. Servirà a sviluppare le capacità di comunicazione, l’autostima, la creatività e l’indipendenza dei giovani.

Il limite di età è da 18 a 28 anni. Tutte le spese di vitto ed alloggio sono coperte al 100% dall’associazione ospitante. I trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 100% su un massimale di spesa pari a 170 euro.

A questa opportunità di outgoing uniamo anche un’interessante proposta di partecipazione al Training Course “Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe” che si svolgerà a Giovinazzo, dal 9 al 6 aprile 2016.

Il training course sarà basato sull’approfondimento degli interventi europea per la mobilità e le opportunità lavorative sul territorio UE messe in campo dalla Commissione Europea. Obiettivo del corso lo sviluppo di progetti a livello regionale e locale che possano utilizzare queste metodologie di sostegno.

Il progetto coinvolgerà un gruppo di 29 giovani provenienti da Italia, Malta, Croazia, Macedonia, Polonia, Romania, Grecia e Spagna. Età minima richiesta: 18 anni. Tutte le spese di vitto ed alloggio sono coperte al 100% dall’associazione ospitante.

Sulle nostre pagine social e nella sezione “Bandi & Opportunità” del nostro sito www.forumgiovanicorato.weebly.com sono disponibili tutti i dettagli ed i contatti Eurosud per la candidatura e la partecipazione all’esperienza».


Young Europeans on the move to protect human rights!

Djakovo ospita i diritti umani!
Giovani europei in movimento per proteggere i diritti umani!

I diritti umani appartengono ad ogni essere umano, tuttavia ogni giorno vengono violati. A volte le persone non hanno coscienza dei loro diritti e libertà, per questo motivo dei giovani provenienti da sette diverse nazioni si sono riuniti a Djakovo in Croazia per essere formati sulla materia in questione e per acquisire gli strumenti necessari per avere un impatto sulle proprie comunità di origine. I partecipanti hanno dai 18 ai 25 anni e provengono da:
Bulgaria, Croazia, Grecia, Italia, Lituania, Macedonia e Repubblica Ceca. Le nazioni sono rappresentate da associazioni non governative con obiettivi comuni.
Per perseguire tali obiettivi, abbiamo partecipato a dibattiti, presentazioni, workshops e attività di formazione. La protezione dei diritti umani è di vitale importanza e tutti noi dobbiamo esserne coscienti. Nessuno dovrebbe esser trattato ingiustamente, discriminato, lasciato a sé stesso o essere oggetto di violenza. Ogni persona dovrebbe godere di eguali opportunità a prescindere da razza, sesso, nazionalità, religione, condizioni sociali e convinzioni politiche in ogni aspetto della propria vita. Tutti dobbiamo movimentarci per tali questioni ed incoraggiare gli altri ad apportare il cambiamento. Inoltre, questo progetto è stato molto utile per ognuno di noi dal momento che abbiamo sviluppato le nostre capacità di leadership , consolidato la sicurezza in noi stessi, conosciuto altre culture ed ampliato le nostre conoscenze per trovare potenziali soluzioni.
Ecco le opinioni di alcuni partecipanti:

Sofija, Macedonia:
“ Mi sento un leader migliore di prima, sono più sicura di me e adesso voglio motivare gli altri a fare lo stesso e ad entrare in azione.”

Ludovico, Italia:
“ Ho avuto l’opportunità di entrare in contatto con culture differenti e i loro backgrounds ed ho trovato molto utile il dibattito sulla situazione in ogni nazione.”

Kaloyan, Bulgaria:
“ Adesso ognuno di noi ha la responsabilità di portare quello che abbiamo imparato qui nelle nostre comunità e usare queste competenze per influenzare la società.”

Elvis, Lituania:
“ Ho capito veramente quali persone e quali organizzazioni hanno a cuore i diritti umani in Europa.”

Il progetto è stato finanziato da: Unione Europea, Erasmus +, Agenzia per la mobilità e i programmi EU. CET Platform è l’organizzazione non governativa ospitante in Croazia, che mette a disposizione molte opportunità di partecipazione attiva per i giovani ed organizza progetti locali, campagne di sensibilizzazione e progetti di scambio proprio come questo. Potete contattarli all’indirizzo mail croatia@cetplatform.org, sul sito web cetplaform.org , seguirli su Facebook, Twitter o Instagram.

Partecipa – fai la differenza!


eurosudTOROS University is pleased to announce that it has signed a  partnership agreement related to Erasmus+ Traineeship with EUROSUD , organization for european youth mobility.
The Erasmus+ Traineeship grant programme is available for any student studying a full degree programme in Europe and who is looking to conduct an internship in another European country.

The agreement establishes an internship experience for students enrolled in social science faculty.

“This is a great example of Higher Education working together with youth organizations ” said Didem Demir, responsible for ERASMUS programme at TOROS UNIVERSITY.

“These internships will give our students the opportunity to acquire real life experience and hands-on knowledge of european projects development , as well as a better understanding of the nowdays issues they may potentially face in the youthfield.”

This possibility is particularly important for young students and their educational and professional growth: they will be able to learn how the work of an international NGO is organised and how to fulfil specific and practical tasks working in the department they are interested in, such as the Secretariat, the Resources and Project Development Unit, the Department of Project Implementation (with the opportunity of a specific focus on different fields, such as Active Citizenship, International Cooperation, Eastern Partnership, Mediterranean Partnership ). “We are pleased to welcome these interns in EUROSUD organization and we are happy to offer them experience that will help them build and enrich their future.”Conclude Adriano Difronzo president of EUROSUD hosting organization.

Further information available at: Toros University International Relations Office

WEBSITE: http://www.toros.edu.tr/


eurosudTraining Course is planned to be hosted in Giovinazzo , metropolitan area of Bari,Region Puglia The training course “Tackling Intolerance and Discrimination- A Tool Box”  aims to provide youth leaders and educators with new ideas for workshops and training sessions in their work with marginalized young people facing discrimination in their community.

Nowadays discrimination takes many forms in modern Europe. People are discriminated for origin, their religion, sexual orientation, their skin colour, their gender, and even the school they visited and the district they live in. Discrimination often translates into fewer chances for personal development, weakened self-confidence and as a consequence into limited opportunities for employment. For these reasons many civil society organizations work in the field of antidiscrimination by fostering tolerance and aiming to empower young people to overcome the societal stereotypes that hamper the personal freedom and right for self-development.

Along this line, the training course intends to share methods of anti-discrimination work with its participants in order to strengthen their daily work with young people. Workshops, simulation exercises, role plays and debates will be exercised with the participants to give them a learning experience and to explain them their strength and weaknesses.The participants will receive time to design own exercises based on the made experiences can be applied within their programme activities on local level or in international encounters. SOF Spirit of Freedom Italy cooperates in the frame of this project with partners from France, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Malta and Croatia.




People who who are suffering from  Down Syndrome  will be supported for being involved in a work life by marking their importance for social life and they will be encouraged for management of their own money.At the main time,they will be involved in an international project,get culturel awareness and learb about time management.Our project also defends that every single person is an candidate for the risk of being handicapped and works about these are not enough.If we are questioned about that,we got lots of success with our works. Young people and all the people will be willing to make an attempt about handicapped people.They will be sensible about them and they will realise the importance of handicapped people in work life.They will be defending the rights of handicapped people because they will get emphaty about this subject.They will realise the need of sports for a healthy life and accept sports as their habits.Participants will notice the importance of Erasmus+ programmes and they will find willing about making their own projects with the experiences from our project.This project will support the participants about noticing the diffirences between cultures,improving the connections between people,using the time in a fertile way,self-esteem and being active in our activities,improving the friendship,being free from prejudices.




eurosudIdea of the project comes from voices of young people who start their professional life and they face new situations and negative behaviors at work like bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment. It’s very current problem of many countries especially in developing regions which has big indicator of unemployment.
The aim of the project is to promote among young people, young professionals, youth workers topics like bully at work,bulling in general,  discrimination, sexual harassment.
First meeting is seminar we plan to define problem areas and share experiences on this field. The next step is training course which will prepare youth workers to lead workshops from communication, assertiveness, building self confidence, dealing with victimization, oppressor. Participants will be prepared to become multipliers to implement short anti-bulling program in their communities.


Unemployment is a big challenge for Europe and neighbouring countries. The unprecedented technological development and increased inter-dependence that the world is experiencing have not provided a solution to ones who are left outside the system, especially the young people who find it more and more difficult to meet the ever-changing labour market demands.
The problem is even more acute among youth with fewer opportunities in rural and urban areas where opportunity is a scarce resource and access to education is limited. The frustration and disempowerment of the disadvantaged youth continually breeds low self-esteem, low motivation and cynicism.
This issue is targeted mostly from macro level through the notion of wise policy and effective management of the economy. We believe this is not enough. We are convinced that a true and sustainable solution can only come inside-out; when a shift in thinking and change in perceptions takes place in the minds of young people who come to understand that they have more control over their lives than they think and they are empowered to be proactive and strategic, to seize opportunities, to see the potential and take risks. We believe in the potential of small synergistic actions in local interdependent realities and the need to promote entrepreneurial spirit among young people.
We also believe that this empowerment and inspiration are best brought about to youth by young people themselves. Success story of one young entrepreneur can motivate thousands and the skills learned by a one youth worker can impact many in the local community in a ripple effect.

Objectives of the 1st exchange in Serbia (15-23 of September 2016 ):

  • To build up a strong team spirit which can subsist during the whole process,
  • To discover the reasons of the youth Unemployment in the participating countries,
  • To learn and shear knowledge and ideas about the opportunities of youth people in Europe,
  • To understand the concept of Social Entrepreneurship,
  • To meet perfect examples of Social Entrepreneurship,
  • To gain skills and competences in the field of project management,
  • To plane together the future path.

Youth Exchange activities will use non formal education methodologies and will be centered on participants’ input and experience as the main source of mutual learning.

The participants from the 1st Exchange MUST participate in the following 2nd Youth Exchange which will be implemented in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary in 12-20 of November.




Our project is based on human rights, a functioning immigration issues, trying to create awareness and consciousness is a youth exchange project in this direction. Our project is designed in line with the interests and needs of young people by themselves, as, competencies, activities to develop and share their experiences of the application. İzmir, hosted historical development, dozens of civilizations, and dozens of different religions, ethnic groups and sects and different from each other these cultures, love and tolerance in a pot blends and differences, preserving hundreds of thousands of years together and solidarity life have succeeded in. Just as the people of İzmir did not remain silent to the human tragedy recently experienced brought on humanitarian attitudes.
We have identified as project place as İzmir, the participants can reveal our city seeing the realistic approach to the problem with living specimens. An important factor in the realization of our project in İzmir was identity that reflects the city of İzmir’s tolerance. Our project is aimed at solving the root of social problems existing outside activities, in particular in the Turkish youth and local communities, often based perspective to develop tolerance in the European Youth. In this sense, the activities we have planned and will take place on the basis of tolerance, is to provide closely to see different cultures and ethnic backgrounds of young people to recognize, accept the existing and ongoing projects in this direction.



Training Course „EU-Line – ICT in youth work” will be implemented from 8th to 15th of October 2016 in Krzyzowa, Poland. The project is the first of the series of activities under common name of “EU-Line”, promoting ICT in youth work.

Ten project partners (from Croatia, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Latvia, Greece, Czech Republic and Poland) will send 3 participants to the training course which, combined with two trainers, adds up to 35 youth workers engaged in the project in total.

The project, using non-formal education methods, will concentrate on possibilities of implementation of ICT tools and online resources in fighting youth unemployment in Europe.

The project aims to:

transfer knowledge , skills and competences related to usage of ICT in youth work and supporting youth in job seeking and developing their competences online, analyse and structure the problem of youth unemployment in Europe to enable finding ways of changing of current situation through activities of youth NGOs ,exchange and learning of good practices of effective activities promoting youth employability.

Foreseen effect of the project will be leveraging of capabilities of partner organisations to use ICT in implementation of projects and activities related to the topics of youth employability, which enables them reaching wider target groups and, in a long term, will foster improvement of situation of young people at the labour market and in the society.

– This project is financed by the Erasmus+ program;

-Being selected for this course , accommodation and lodging (breakfast-lunch and dinner) will be 100% covered by the  host organisation.

According to the general rules of the Erasmus+ programme and the distance calculator, the maximum travel cost is (by home country):

  • 180 EUR – Czech Republic
  • 275 EUR – Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Italy, Latvia, Romania, UK

Participation fee 50 euro per participant .The fee will be deposited after succesful selection .

Please be aware the only selected candidates will be contacted.

Deadline: As soon as possible.




The project will gather representatives of youth centers and organizations working with youth from  Italy, Romania, Turkey, Poland, Armenia, Lebanon, Ukraine, Georgia. The activities will be hosted in Giovinazzo (Metropolitan area of Bari), Italy, 07/11/2016 – 14/11/2016.

“Stay Healthier Outside” is a two-stage project that aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among youth workers (training course) and youngsters (youth exchange) coming from the EU (Italy, Romania, Turkey, Poland) and the EECA region (Lebanon, Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia).

The program aims to foster youth workers’ competencies in planning and implementing outdoor activities related to good practices of healthy lifestyle (1st stage) and to motivate youngsters in participating in and spreading these kind of activities among young people, therefore increasing their awareness on the topics (2nd stage).

During the training course, youth workers will be challenged in:

  • Experiencing several outdoor activities that can be inspiring for their future commitments related to the topic;
  • Learning how to use outdoor opportunities to improve their health;
  • Enhance their knowledge of healthy lifestyles and methods for sharing the practice with other youth;
  • Stretching their mind, body and sociality;
  • Attending activities with the double perspective of the participant and the facilitator;
  • Creating meaningful youth networks;
  • Boosting team work and cooperation;
  • Sharing experiences in the field of health and outdoors, both personally and professionally.




Youth unemployment is generally tied with countries’ economic state, however creativity and finding ways to bypass the big problems, may help young people in improving their economic well-being.
The Youth Exchange “RE-CRAFT: Rural Entrepreneurship, Craft your future!” will be dedicated to the unemployment problems and entrepreneurship opportunities of young people living in rural areas.

7 days youth exchange “RE-CRAFT: Rural Entrepreneurship, Craft your future!” is planning to gather 33 rural young people from rural communities of Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine Georgia and Armenia to provide workshops and skills on handicrafts and employability tips. The participants are going to be youngsters from small towns, rural areas, who have never attended any “Erasmus Plus” activities before and constantly confronted with the problem of unemployment.

The project aims to encourage Young People in revitalizing the cultural heritage and using them as a tool for putting their skills into business, thus reducing the level of unemployment and sense of despair. This will help not only the participants from rural areas to find comprehensive ways of entrepreneurship, but will also help in rehabilitation and preservation of cultural heritage of participating countries.

For 7 days young people will bring together various craft techniques, learn from each other and invited masters, discover business examples through site visits, get acquainted with the foundations of entrepreneurship,  develop new ideas in  crafts and tourism business, personally test what means to be an entrepreneur! The Exchange will culminate with the “Crafts Fair” in the local community, attracting attention to the project and promotion of the idea of youth-run entrepreneurship.




The project  aims to develop competences of 30 online activists to take action against hate speech online and to promote and defend human rights online. The youth exchange also aims to empower them to develop initiatives and take an active role in the ‘No Hate Speech Movemen’t initiated by the Council of Europe.

The course objectives are:

  • To develop participant’s knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the promotion and protection of human rights in online environments;
  • To understand and analyse the causes, manifestations, consequences and impact of racism and discrimination in their online form;
  • To learn how hate speech constitutes a human rights violation;
  • To learn about and experiment, analyse and evaluate approaches and tools of online activism for human rights;
  • To motivate and empower participants to take actions against hate speech online;
  • To support participants in defining their role, developing and implementing initiatives within the European youth online campaign against hate speech;
  • To support the development of the network of young activists and youth organizations within the campaign.

Apply here: eurosudngo@gmail.com




EUROSUD , organization for the european youth mobility is supporting the 4th SummerGo Sea & Sports Camp. Healthy lifestyle through Outdoor Activities. Greece

Dates: 26-31 August 2016

Venue: Thessaloniki, North Greece

Eligible are 70 participants coming from: European countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU, Other countries in the world who DO NOT need visa to enter Greece, or those who already hold a valid visa.

Deadline for participation fee payments: 26th July 2016
SummerGo Sports camp offers a variety of outdoor activities, team Building & water sports. A Training course on personal development and experiential nonformal learning in outdoors methods and tools, designed for youthworkers, youthleaders & athletes.

This is not an Erasmus+ project.

This training is financially supported by the Project’s coordinator, by covering the lodging, hosting and catering costs of the training.
There is a Participation fee of 195€ per person, for the total duration of the project
The participation fee for people living in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland is of 225€.




Are you still racking your brain thinking how to spend the hottest days of this summer? Did you forget to apply for a Summer University and now you are desperate? Do you want to take one week of relax after a crazy Summer University in Italy? Do you want to know other 30 guys and girls from all over Europe?

Don’t SMACK yourself anymore…AEGEE Bari has the solution!
This summer, come and dive into the wonderful sea of the Italy’s heel. The cheapest and craziest AEGEE event of this summer will be in Puglia!

After the big succes of last year AEGEE Bari with the collaboration of Bisceglie Municipality, is back again with his great Summer Event.

A perfect and relaxing week of sun,culture and nature to make you enjoy one of the most suggestive Mediterranean scrub landscape. Discover the history and the mysteries of the beautiful “Castel del Monte” (UNESCO World Heritage) and have fun in the amazing national park surrounded by the beauty of Alta Murgia. Brace yourself to a wonderful travel of the senses, tasting the Apulian deliciousness such as the typical cherry and the sweety “Sospiro di Bisceglie”! Furthermore you can share your travel experiences, and recount jokes and stories of your trips around Europe. And what about the beach?! Every day you will have the chance to lay down on one the best beach of Italy and take a bath in a very crystal water.
And at the night, party until the dawn near the beautiful Bisceglie seaside in the crazy Apulian movida!
You’re going to live a complete experience, from the sea to the magic land of Alta Murgia, with hikings, bikings, street food, pool party, city tour and long walking trough the nature.
What do you need to come? Just your sunglasses and your bikini (sleeping bag and mattress are not needed)

27 July – 1 August 2016 BISCEGLIE – BARI

FEE: only 75 Euros including:
5 nights in a hostel in Bisceglie (in single and double room with private bathroom), Breakfasts , Meals (lunch or dinner) , Transportation , Bike renting , City tour of Bari, Bisceglie, Trani, Minervino , Lot of beach time with watermelon break , Visit of Castel del Monte (UNESCO World Heritage) , Workshops of Apulian Gastronomy, Youth Mobility, Erasmus+, Environment, Discover Natural Biodiversity in the “Alta Murgia” National Park , Bike hiking on Castel del Monte hill, Wine Tasting , Street food tour , Fried Fish night , Pizza making workshop , CAICCO BOAT PARTY, Party every night , Panzerotto Night , GIOVINAZZO ROCK FESTIVAL , European Pool Night (it will the best of your entire AEGEE life)

So what are you waiting for? Apply till June 15th and SMACK The Best Italian Summer.

Apply on AEGEE intranet:

For info like our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AEGEE-Bari-238132939571169/

or text us at bari@aegee.org


Il progetto ” Europe Languages 04.08.2016   11.08.2016  Zakopane Mountain, POLAND  ” cerca di analizzare in che misura le lingue nazionali dei paesi partecipanti siano simili e ciò che della loro cultura è.
I paesi che partecipano al progetto solo  apparentemente hanno molto in  comune, infatti se si guarda più da vicino la loro storia,   ci sono ancora molti stereotipi e pregiudizi – spesso ingiusti e sbagliati . Con l’analisi delle lingue nazionali e la loro evoluzione attraverso il contesto storico , ci si propone di mostrare ai giovani in che modo rappresentare la cultura di ogni paese. I giovani apprendono circa la propria storia e cultura dall’istruzione, ma anche dall’ambiente familiare in cui si cresce  . Il progetto di scambio giovanile non solo fornisce un’opportunità di apprendimento condiviso  , ma soprattutto rappresenta un’opportunità per affrontare le opinioni ampiamente prevalenti fatte da paesi che hanno molto in comune e che sono allo stesso tempo molto vicini. I partecipanti si troveranno ad affrontare le proprie percezioni, gli stereotipi, durante le sessioni con ampio uso di metodologie e tecniche di apprendimento non formali.

The project “Europe Languages” tries to answer the question to what extent the national languages of the participating countries are similar, what they have in common their countries and what divides us.
Countries participating in the project are the countries, which might seem to have a lot in common, but if you look more closely at their history, in thinking about each other, there are still many stereotypes – often unfair and prejudiced. Analysis of national languages and their evolution through the ages in the context of the historical background aims to show young people that represent the culture of each country. Youth first draws knowledge about the history of the school but also the environment in which grows from family, peers and neighbors. Prejudices against other groups very easily take root in the minds of young people, and fight with them is prohibitively difficult. Therefore, the project will not only provide an opportunity for shared learning different languages and learn about history, but most of all to deal with the widely prevailing opinions made by countries that have a lot in common and which are within close proximity. Participants will face their own perceptions, stereotypes, during classes held outside formal methods.

Lingua di lavoro: inglese
Profilo dei partecipanti: Giovani motivati, residenti in Italia.
Età: 18-25 anni.

This project is financed by the Erasmus+
– Being selected for this course, accommodation and lodging (breakfast-lunch and dinner) will be 100% covered by the host organisation.
– Transport: 100% covered by the Erasmus + program, within following limits:
Italy: 170 Euro/participant. Participants who will exceed this travel cost, will be charged the additional cost
– Participation fee 50 euro per participant. The fee will be deposited after succesful selection of potential candidates.




Il progetto “Faiths of the world: youth work and inter-religious dialogue”  ha lo scopo di fornire a giovani ragazzi da tutta Europa una panoramica sull’Induismo, sui suoi credi, le sue pratiche ed i loro significati. Questa iniziativa rappresenta una grande occasione di arricchimento: in Europa spesso il dialogo inter-religioso  si limita alle cosiddette religioni “abramiche”. Questo corso si propone di rimettere al centro del dibattito una delle tre religioni più importanti del mondo per numero di fedeli attraverso l’adozione di metodi didatti informali.

This course aims to help participants explore the value and nature of interfaith dialogue as a key aspect of peace education.
It follows many previous courses at the ASHA Centre that have been either about Interfaith Dialogue generally or interfaith dialogue in relationship to particular religions such as Islam and Hinduism.
Interfaith activity has always been a key ‘pillar’ of the ASHA Centre’s philosophy and work; ASHA is a place where people of different religions live and work side by side and where, through its educational courses, appreciation of different cultures and religions is fostered. It is hoped that
such work contributes to a more peaceful world as well as personal inspiration for individuals too.
The course will use non-formal educational methods to address essential aspects of different world religions and the relationship between different faith traditions, and will also look at principles of and tools for good interfaith work.
Methods used will include presentations, group work, sharings and games.
As an example of interfaith activity, the course will also include a day visit, to the Sri Venketeswara Hindu Temple in Birmingham. This temple has areas in its grounds dedicated to other religions, a shrine to a saint of Muslim origin and is engaged in interfaith work in the Birmingham area.

Contatto / indirizzo: 

  • This project is financed by the Erasmus+;
  • Being selected for this course, accommodation and lodging (breakfast-lunch and dinner) will be 100% covered by the host organisation;
  • Transport: 80% till 275 euro;
  • Italy: 275 Euro/participant. Participants who will exceed this travel cost, will be charged the additional cost;
  • Participation fee 50 euro per participant. The fee will be deposited after succesful selection of  the candidates.



“Let’s fight with TRAFFIC!” brings together 20 youth workers from five countries to make “common ground” against Trafficking on human beings. The project is coordinated by the Romanian Red Cross – Suceava Branch and has four NGOs, from European countries, as partners. Human trafficking through its forms, sexual exploitation, forced labor, begging, etc., is a phenomenon encountered in poor countries as a recruiting place, as well as in developed countries as a place of sale and exploitation. Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain, countries that are partners of the project, have a higher incidence of human trafficking, over 1000 victims annually. This project has as main activity a training course of 20 youth workers which will be held during seven days in Suceava – Gura Humorului area. During this training, the youth workers will gain knowledge on the specific of human trafficking, its forms, the victim’s and trafficant’s profile. Much more, they will develop a common action plan by creating an information campaign
which will be conducted in the organizations where they come from. The training course will take place through non-formal education methods. “Let’s fight with TRAFFIC!” has as main objectives to provide youth workers the knowledge about human trafficking and to develop skills in working with young vulnerable people. Furthermore, we want to draw an alarm signal over the danger that young people from disadvantaged communities are subjected and, ultimately, to prevent vulnerable communities about the dangers they are exposed to.

Host organization: Societatea Naţională de Cruce Roşie din România Filiala Suceava [Romanian Red Cross – Suceava Branch]
Days of training: 27 May – 2 June 2016
Dates of arrival and departure: Arrival – 26 May 2016 Departure – 2 June after 20:00 or 3 June
Location of training: Gura Humorului, Suceava county, ROMANIA

Profile of participants:

  • youth worker;
  • involved in activities with vulnerable groups;
  • availability to attend full training;
  • interested about the topic;
  • English speaker;
  • committed to use the knowledge they gain in their future activity and multiply the results of the training.

Contatto / indirizzo:  eurosudngo@gmail.com

This project is financed by the Erasmus+
– Being selected for this course, accommodation and lodging (breakfast-lunch and dinner) will be 100% covered by the host organisation.
– Transport: 100% covered by the Erasmus + program, within following limits:
Italy: 275 Euro/participant. Participants who will exceed this travel cost, will be charged the additional cost
– Participation fee 50 euro per participant. The fee will be deposited after succesful selection of  the candidates.


Di seguito le informazioni riguardanti uno scambio giovanile, promosso nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ e che si terrà in Croazia dal 16 al 23 Maggio 2016.

Youth Exchange “Youth European Education” will be hosted in Djakovo, Croatia and it is aimed for 48 young people from Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Latvia.
Even though active citizenship requires people to get involved, to play an active role in political, social and economic life many young people still don’t recognize active participation as important. Many issues are connected with youth and active participation – low participation of youth on elections, lack of knowledge about importance of being an active citizen and low engagement and participation in political, social and economic processes.
Summarizing the objectives of the YE are to critically and creatively reflect about the role and relevance of European citizenship, to promote active participation of citizens and their role in building our societies based on European values, to define role of citizens and NGO’s, to increase the participants professional competences in developing and evaluating projects with young people, to support capacity and partnership building.
Program of the Youth Exchange is adapted to the needs of participants and contain various forms of non-formal learning methods such as simulations, brainstorming, work in the groups, debates, presentations, etc.



Are u looking for an intensive fragrant experience ?
EUROSUD in collaboration with SOF ITALY and SOF international network is organizing the ” Rose Picking Experience 2016 ” in Bulgaria . RPE2016 is a CountryHopper project for youngsters between 18 and 30 years old.
Target group: youngsters between 18 and 30 years old Dates: 29th of May till the 7th of june Location: Kazanlak (Bulgaria) Participating countries: Belgium, Bulgaria Croatia and Italy
Spirit of Freedom (SoF) INGO organizes together with SoF Belgium, SoF Bulgaria, SoF Italia and SoF Croatia an amazing Rose Picking Project from the 29th of May till the 7th of june. Make sure you’re one of the lucky ones to participate!
This project is made possible through the collaboration between the municipalities of Kazanlak (Bulgaria) en Steenokkerzeel (Belgium). We encourage the inhabitants of these municipalities extra to participate in this amazing project.

Target group: youngsters between 18 and 30 years old

Dates: from the 29th of May until the 7 th June 2016

Location: Kazanlak (Bulgaria)

The participants of this project will experience how to produce rose oil from roses, have the chance to go to the Valley of Roses in Bulgaria . The Valley of Roses is one of the biggest rose oil producers in the world. As a CountryHopper you learn from the local gypsies how to pick roses in the fields of the wonderful Bulgarian nature. Don’t miss the sunrise, because early in the morning the aroma of the roses is the strongest! You will also have the chance to visit a rose oil factory. For four days you will pick roses to find out what the way of life is of the Bulgarians and gypsies in the rose season. Not only Kazanlak will be explored extensive, there is also time to visit the cities Sofia and Plovdiv. After our mornings on the field there are other excursions planned as well to the Shipkoff house, SoF Business Architect Center, the local youth house and other mysterious places in the neighborhood. You end your Country Hopper experience with a visit at the rose festival with a traditional rose parade and thousands of visitors from all over the world!

This project is NOT financed by the Erasmus+
– Being selected for this course, accommodation and lodging (breakfast-lunch and dinner) will be 100% covered by the host organisation.
– Transport: ON YOUR OWN COST
– Participation fee 50 euro per participant. The fee will be deposited after succesful selection of potential candidates.

How to apply : Send your motivational letter , stating your reasons for applying for this unique experience to eurosudngo@gmail.com
Object : “RPE2016 – Rose Picking Experience 2016 ” Bulgaria

Application deadline: ASAP (The shortlisted candidates will be informed asap.)




This project aims to tackle the question of immigration as one of the most growing problems within the EU in recent period. Namely, more than 700,000 refugees have risked their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year, facing not only inhuman living conditions but also lack of understanding and help. Recent trends show that thousands of people are attempting a perilous route through the Western Balkans with the ultimate destination in northern EU countries.

Main aim of this project is to include young people with cultural obstacles, as well as young people who are interested in theatre and motivated to help refugees, into process of discussing, sharing experiences and using method of invisible theatre to tackle the problem of immigration. Participants will take an active part in every phase of the youth exchange, as they will be encouraged to take part in creating workshops and adapting methods they will use to achieve objectives of this project.Main method to be used in this project is invisible theatre, where participants can use both outcomes of their discussions and their creativity to create public performances, which will provoke reaction in the local community and raise awareness about the problem of immigration. Namely, invisible theatre is performed in public place and aims not to be recognized as a theatre.

5 participants + 1 group leader



This project is financed by the Erasmus+

– Being selected for this course, accommodation and lodging (breakfast-lunch and dinner) will be 100% covered by the host organisation.

– Transport: 100% covered by the Erasmus + program, within following limits:
Italy: 170 Euro/participant. Participants who will exceed this travel cost, will be charged the additional cost

– Participation fee 50 euro per participant. The fee will be deposited after succesful selection of potential candidates.





Phone:+39 339 8659954

Send a brief cover letter in English, cv and travel plan included cost


Working language: English
Profile of participants: Motivated young people residing or travelling through Italy.
Age bracket: 18-25 years old


Alto tasso di disoccupazione giovanile nelle regioni del sud, la mancanza di forza lavoro nei paesi del nord, l’uso improprio dei lavoratori, la disuguaglianza dei diritti dei lavoratori in mobilità, la mancanza di informazioni sui diritti e le possibilità lavorative all’estero. Questa è solo la punta di un iceberg di problemi che il mercato del lavoro europeo deve affrontare oggi. La mobilità europea del lavoro offre molte possibilità a giovani disoccupati dalla Bulgaria all’ Irlanda, dal Portogallo all’Estonia.
Il progetto internazionale ‘’ Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe ‘’ #‎PLME16, finanziato dal programma ERASMUS+ della Commissione Europea è un Training Course per Youth Workers eYouth Leaders.

Le attività di formazione saranno  sviluppate dall’associazione EUROSUD in Puglia dal giorno 09/04/2016 al 16/04/2016.
Questo corso di formazione offrirà a rappresentanti di organizzazioni e giovani leader provenienti da 8 paesi europei la possibilità di imparare a promuovere la mobilità del lavoro . Attraverso l’ausilio di esperti formatori si affronteranno sessioni di studio su come aiutare i giovani a reperire informazioni e utilizzare gli strumenti forniti dalla Commissione Europea come EURES, Erasmus +, quali sono i diritti garantiti , e quale sostegno giovani che lavorano in un altro Stato membro possono ottenere.
I 30  partecipanti saranno coinvolti anche nello sviluppo di progetti locali, regionali, nazionali e internazionali, riguardanti il tema dei giovani e della mobilità del lavoro. Il programma  è adattato alle esigenze dei partecipanti e contiene una varietà di metodi di apprendimento non formale come  simulazioni, brainstorming, lavoro in gruppi, dibattiti, presentazioni. Attraverso lo sviluppo di questo progetto i rappresentanti di organizzazioni giovanili provenienti da Malta, Croazia, Macedonia, Polonia, Romania, Grecia, Spagna e Italia, si potranno incontrare , scambiare idee e punti di vista


High youth unemployment rate in the South Italy, lack of work forces in the North, misuse of workers, inequality of domestic and foreign workers, lack of information about rights and possibilities.Those are issues that European Labour Market faces today.

This Training Course will offer youth workers and young leaders from 8 Program Countries a possibility to learn how to promote labour mobility, how to help young people to find information and use tools provided by European Commission such as EURES, Erasmus plus, guaranteed rights and limitation, what support young people working in other member state can get, etc. Participants will also gain leadership skills and develop local, regional, national and international projects consenting youth labour mobility, but also get introduced about role of EU in our everyday life. Program of the Training is adapted to the needs of participants and contain various forms of non-formal learning methods such as simulations, brainstorming, work in the groups, debates, presentations, etc.

The project will gather representatives of youth organisations and organisations working with youth from Italy, Malta, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Greece, Spain and will be hosted in Giovinazzo ( Metropolitan area of Bari), Italy from 09.04.2016. until 16.04.2016. by EUROSUD.

The selected participants will be contacted about their travel’s cost.


In order to gather as much information as possible we would appreciate if you could fill out our short anonymous survey. This will give us a better understanding of your thoughts on the challenges, problems, possibilities and possible solutions to the problem.

Feel free to share this survey.
 Application to:


TDM 2000 – MALTA

Oportunidades Europeas – SPAIN


TDM2000 Polska   POLAND

Civilna, edukativna i transparentna platforma Civilna, edukativna i transparentna platforma – CROATIA

Zdrudzenie za opshtestvena grizha i vladeenje na pravoto “Urbano Opshtestvo” – FYRFYR MACEDONIA

Societatea Nationala de Cruce Rosie din Romania Filiala Suceava –  ROMANIA


We are happy that the project YE “Human rights – base of Europe” is approved by National agency for mobility and EU programmes in Croatia.
Main activity which will be in Djakovo, Croatia from 11.04. – 18.04.2016 will be hosted by CET platform Croatia .

Il progetto internazionale   è finanziato dal programma ERASMUS+ della Commissione Europea. ​

A causa della crisi economica in corso dal 2008, ci sono stati frequenti cambiamenti in termini di norme di legge e normative volte alla liberalizzazione del mercato e spesso esattamente questi cambiamenti hanno portato a violazioni dei diritti umani.   Ogni giorno siamo testimoni di alcuni casi di violazione dei diritti umani. Spesso i  più giovani non sono in grado di riconoscere tali violazioni e prendere le dovute precauzioni .  Decisamente , come organizzazione giovanile , vogliamo incoraggiare i giovani ad impegnarsi nella cittadinanza attiva, nella promozione dei diritti umani,   e nella tutela dei diritti umani con l’obiettivo di costruire una società migliore E’ doveroso   incrementare nei giovani la consapevolezza dell’importanza della protezione dei diritti umani  .Dunque questo il tema principale dello scambio giovanile YE “Human rights – base of Europe” . Attraverso discussioni, workshop, dibattiti, incontri, sessioni di project design, i partecipanti approfondiranno i concetti relativi ai diritti umani, altresì come promuoverne l’importanza   e perché la protezione dei diritti umani è importante presupposto per la creazione di Europa, che avrà  pari opportunità per tutti i cittadini, senza alcuna stereotipi riguardo alla razza, origine etnica,  religione, orientamento sessuale, orientamento politico.

Through discussions, workshops, debates, meetings, actions, participants will learn from each other what are the human rights, how to promote importance of human rights and why human rights protection is important prerequisite for the creation of Europe that will have equal opportunities for all citizens without any stereotypes regarding on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political orientation, etc. Also participants will be introduced with the ways in which they can take role in active citizenship and also how to encourage other young people to get involved in active citizenship and have direct impact on creation of better community and society.



La cittadinanza europea è più che un concetto astratto. Si tratta di una realtà concreta che porta benefici tangibili ai cittadini.

Il seminario internazionale che si terrà a Sofia da 10 a 17 aprile 2016 cercherà di approfondire la necessità di informare i giovani sui meccanismi che regolano l’Unione europea. Si affronteranno gli aspetti politici, sociali, economici e culturali della democrazia europea e del concetto di cittadinanza europea attiva.

La metodologia usata durante il corso sarà prevalentemente basata sull’educazione non formale, tra cui momenti di discussione in gruppo, conferenze, sessioni plenarie, giochi di simulazione e di mercato. Il ricco programma permetterà ai partecipanti di esplorare anche la vita notturna di Sofia, godere di una passeggiata a cavallo ai piedi del Monte Vitosha e visitare il Monastero di Rila, uno dei monumenti più significativi e suggestivi dei Balcani, parte del del patrimonio mondiale UNESCO .

Maggiori info sullINFOPACK.


Today, European citizenship is more than a concept. It is a practical reality that brings tangible benefits to citizens. The better Europeans understand their rights as EU citizens, the more informed decisions they can take in their personal lives. This will lead to a more vibrant democratic life in Europe at all levels.

The international seminar to be held in Sofia from 10 to 17 April, 2016 will meet the need to inform the young people how the EU works and the rights and obligations the EU citizenship brings in order to provide young people with knowledge and skills for active participation in the democratic life of the union. The political, social, economic and cultural aspects that the seminar addresses will contribute to shape a vision how to strengthen European democracy and reaffirm the concept of active European citizenship.
The participants will acquire competence about how to develop activities fostering active European. The ideas and knowledge generated during the course can be used by every participant and be implemented at local level.

Panel discussions, working groups, lectures, plenary sessions, simulation games and information market will be some of the methods used to debate these issues. The rich social program will enable the participants to explore the night life in Sofia , enjoy a horse ride in Vitosha mountain and see the Rila Monastery, one of the most significant and picturesque monuments on the Balkans, part of the UNESCO book of world heritage.


Uno dei più comuni tipi di paura – paura del pubblico (in inglese stage fright, letteralmente paura del palconisco), si riscontra in diverse persone di diverse professioni, da musicisti ad attori e imprenditori, manager o insegnanti. Panico da palcoscenico può riferirsi non solo per le persone che hanno pochi contatti con una o un’altra presenza in pubblico, ma anche per coloro che sono in pubblico tutti i giorni. Incontrollato o eccessivo stage fright può causare non solo disagio, ma anche molte difficoltà .”Turn Around” – è un progetto di scambio  giovanile, che avrà lo scopo di affrontare la vostra paura del pubblico. Questa paura può causare disagio, prevenire o addirittura rovinare la carriera. Durante le attività di questo scambio giovanile , cercheremo di capire come superare e conciliare, non solo la stage fright, ma anche altre paure simili.

L’organizzazione lituana “Semeliškių bendruomenės iniciatyvos”, insieme con i partner, hanno fatto un lavoro di raccolta delle informazioni teoriche e pratiche su questa fobia e proporranno attività basate sul come capirla, conoscerla e affrontarla.

Il progetto coinvolgerà un gruppo di 40 giovani provenienti da Italia, Lettonia, Turchia, Portogallo e Lituania.Il limite di età è da 18 a 28 anni. Il progetto servirà a sviluppare le capacità di comunicazione, l’autostima, la creatività e l’indipendenza dei giovani.