Poetry of Resistance aims to promote European Remembrance and the active participation of today’s youth, by studying and reflecting on the role played by resistance movements in the combat to dictatorships of the 20th century.
We witness in occidental societies the diminishing of political participation, especially amongst young people (Sveningsson, 2015). In Europe there is a decline in the connection of young people with the traditional political processes (Youth Participation Strategy, SALTO 2020). We understand that preserving the memory of the resistance movements across Europe may be an effective and attractive way to engage young people in civic and political life, reversing the tendencies described and creating opportunities for new democratic achievements based on the common European history.

Given this, our specific objectives are:
O1- To create opportunities for young people to explore and reflect about historical facts and promote informed historical memory;
O2- Increase the knowledge and awareness of young people, youth professionals and relevant stakeholders for 20th century European history, namely related with totalitarian regimes and resistance movements that overthrew them;
O3- To provide and publicly disseminate information about literary resistance movements across Europe through attractive and accessible channels (digital);
O4- To promote active citizenship competencies in young people.

These will be accomplished through the implementation of the following Work Plan:
Work Package 1: Poetry of Resistance – Research and Reflect
Work Package 2: Digital Content Creation
Work Package 3: Capacity-building
Work Package 4: Awareness Raising Local Events
Work Package 5: Transnational Event

In recent years, Europe has witnessed the rise of threats to democracy due to the growing influence of extremist and xenophobic political movements. These groups distort historical facts, employ symbolism, and use rhetoric reminiscent of totalitarian propaganda, including racism, anti-Semitism, and hatred towards minorities. This trend is erasing the memory of the suffering caused by 20th-century totalitarian regimes and poses a significant danger to the future of democracy in Europe.

One alarming example of this trend is the lack of knowledge about historical events such as the Holocaust, with a third of Europeans admitting to knowing little or nothing about it. Holocaust denial and the trivialization of crimes committed by dictatorial regimes are on the rise, along with the spread of conspiracy theories, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The educational project emphasizes the importance of understanding and preserving the past to avoid repeating past mistakes. It calls for fostering European remembrance, particularly among younger generations, highlighting the Holocaust, National Socialism, and Stalinism as reminders of the grave human rights violations that occurred in Europe under extreme right and left regimes. These atrocities must never be forgotten and should serve as warnings against future crimes based on hate, anti-Semitism, racism, and totalitarianism.

While Europe is a diverse continent with various cultures, it shares a common historical foundation that underpins its formation. Therefore, the text advocates for the promotion of a “European remembrance culture” that does not impose a single master narrative but encourages a coherent dialogue and interaction among national historical perspectives.

This approach aims to educate new generations about Europe’s past based on core values such as humanism, tolerance, and democracy, emphasizing the European Union as a guardian of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. It also stresses the importance of educators and youth professionals in preserving historical memory.

Meeting at local level in Bari

Summary of topics covered during the meetings related to the project “Poetry of Resistance: A European Educational Project to Preserve Memory and Engage Youth,” conducted by the EUROSUD association:

** Project Introduction**

  • Introduction to the “Poetry of Resistance” project and its importance.
  • Discussion on the mission and key objectives of the project.
  • Presentation of team members and involved partners.

Project Objectives

  • In-depth discussion of the four key objectives of the project: promoting informed historical memory, expanding knowledge and awareness, disseminating information through digital channels, and promoting active citizenship skills.
  • Discussion on the relevance of each objective for the project and European youth.

Research and Educational Materials

  • Presentation of planned research activities to collect materials on resistance poetry in Europe.
  • Discussion on how to develop engaging and informative educational materials for young people.

Youth Engagement

  • Strategies for actively involving young people in the project.
  • Ideas for organizing workshops, events, and activities that can interest and engage European youth.

Digital Channels and Communication

  • Planning the creation of digital content for information dissemination.
  • Discussion on how to effectively use digital channels to reach the target audience.

Involvement of Local Communities

  • Discussion on involving local communities in Europe in promoting European Memory.
  • Ideas for collaborating with local schools, cultural institutions, and youth organizations.