Abroadship is a centre of learning through mobility. Abroadship focuses on youth and particularly British youth to enhance their opportunities abroad. Abroadship is a non-profit and non-government initiative, officially registered under a Subtiluship community interest company (see the details below) in London, UK.

Our desire and mission is to encourage you to become world’s citizen with tolerance, sympathy and empathy towards different cultures, with understanding and appreciation of environment, with knowledge of interdependence, connection and benefits of collaboration.

We strive to create tools, provide information, organize events, training courses, exchange programs and in all ways possible enhance benefiting from being abroad.

➽ Abroadship


TDM2000 is mainly involved in organizing intercultural exchanges, training courses, seminars, study visits, forums and international conferences.

TDM 2000 promotes personal and professional development of young people aiming to make them active citizens in the society in which they live. is an apolitical, independent, no profit organisation with educational aims and it coordinates youngsters willing to cooperate in the voluntary field. It believes in the mutual respect of different cultures and in the equality between people; it aims to contribute to the development of the countries in which it works by achieving a greater consciousness of international cooperation, mutual understanding and the need to be active in today’s society. It is striven in order to promote the individual development creating opportunities of interaction and comparison between the young people from various cultures and nationalities. It works to foster the cooperation among public bodies at local and international level.



TDM 2000 Malta is an Organisation which main aim is to increase Youth Participation in Society on a local and an international level.
The mission is to increase youth participation in society on a local and international level.TERRA DI MEZZO (TDM) 2000 Malta is a non-profit, non-governmental voluntary organization. One of its main aims is to create opportunities and to help its youth members develop their skills in order to be active in society on a local and international level. We strive to achieve this aim by organizing and hosting a number of various activities of a voluntary nature regularly.
These activities include:
1) Hosting and/or sending youths on several youth exchanges, initiatives, training courses and networking projects addressing topics such as:
– active participation in society; on a local and European Level – interest in all EU affairs and the relationship the EU has with its neighbouring countries
– the environment
– health and healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle
– volunteering and inclusion in society – project management, time management
– culture, respect for culture differences and climate
– active participation in society and citizenship
– democracy and human rights
2) Doing charity work for local charitable institutions in Malta through organising:
– fund raising activities
– project management of the local charitable projects
3) Regularly creating team and group building activities on a monthly basis to give the TDM members the opportunity to meet in a leisurely atmosphere.
4) Creating Work and Career-related placements in industries such as construction, catering, tourism, surveying and learning a foreign language. Through these events, youths are able to learn the real meaning of active European citizenship as well as the benefits that come with being active in society in a fun and enjoyable environment.
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TDM2000 Polska is the Polish branch of TDM2000, an international youth non-governmental organisation. We’re focused on European youth development, mobility and education.

Fundacja TDM2000 Polska to polski oddział sieci TDM2000, promującej rozwój osobisty i zawodowy młodych ludzi, zmierzając do uczynienia z nich aktywnych społecznie obywateli. Sieć zrzeszająca organizacje z całej Europy ma 13 lat doświadczenia w organizacji projektów międzynarodowych. Rozpoznawalna w całej Europie TDM2000 łączy profesjonalnych trenerów i doświadczonych działaczy młodzieżowych, by tworzyć i realizować projekty młodzieżowe wzmacniające wzajemne zrozumienie oraz budowę spójnego społeczeństwa Europejskiego, opartego na wspólnych wartościach i wizji przyszłości.

TDM2000 Polska promuje prawa człowieka, w szczególności prawa mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych, prawa kobiet oraz prawa innych mniejszości. Celem organizacji jest również wzmocnienie współpracy z sąsiednimi krajami. TDM2000 Polska zajmuje się  również  promocją i pogłębianiem współpracy regionalnej oraz dziedzictwa kulturowego i historycznego Dolnego Śląska. Naszym celem jest wspieranie dialogu, wzajemnego porozumienia i szacunku dla różnorodności pomiędzy państwami i jednostkami na całym  świecie, wzajemnego zrozumienia pomiędzy Europejczykami, a także budowa wspólnej tożsamości europejskiej.

TDM2000 Polska promuje kreatywność, innowacyjność oraz przedsiębiorczość. Prowadzi również działania na rzecz zatrudnienia młodzieży oraz promuje idee społeczeństwa obywatelskiego i demokracji. Cele te są realizowane przez organizowanie międzynarodowych szkoleń, warsztatów, konferencji oraz programów badawczych. W czerwcu 2013 r. Fundacja TDM2000 Polska została przyjęta na prawach członka do Dolnośląskiej Rady ds. Młodzieży.

 TDM 2000 Polska


The ASHA Centre is a UK charity working for the empowerment of young people, sustainable development and peace and reconciliation worldwide. The Centre is a hub of intercultural activities, hosting a range of educational, arts and environment programmes.

The founding director of the ASHA Centre, Zerbanoo Gifford, had been looking for the perfect spot to site the ASHA Centre. She had nearly given up hope of ever finding the ideal location. Then, out of the blue, friends called her and suggested she came and saw a Bed and Breakfast place up for sale in the Royal Forest of Dean. Having never visited the Forest, Zerbanoo ventured forth. She was awe-struck by the majesty of the scenery. She understood why Tolkien had been enchanted by the Forest and inspired to write “Lord of the Rings”. She was not surprised to discover that J K Rowling had spent her youth in the area, enriching her imagination. There was magic in the air. A place to bring people together, a place of beauty and peace.

Non-stop renovation followed, during which the house was furnished with facilities for individuals, groups and retreats. Zerbanoo and her husband, Richard, a human rights lawyer, have furnished the restored Georgian main house with great care and an eye for beauty. Those who come to the ASHA Centre are not only visiting a historical building but they are also enjoying the warmth of a loving home.

The surrounding landscape has also been transformed. A stream flows from St Anthony’s Well, an ancient spring whose name dates from the medieval period, which was closely connected to the monks of nearby Flaxley Abbey.

The remains of an old swimming pool and a sea of mud have been replaced with an Olde English rose-garden where the perfume is intoxicating.

The sloping wasteland beside the house has been turned into a bio-dynamic fruit and vegetable garden by young volunteers. Visitors are treated to the pleasure of seeing their food picked freshly and having the unique taste of naturally produced meals. No fertilisers, no carbon footprint, no packaging – just real food, as Mother Nature intended.

The ASHA Centre is located in the beautiful Royal Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, between the River Severn and River Wye.

As well as hosting courses, the Centre is available for hire. Corporations, charities and groups of individuals use the ASHA Centre for conferences, retreats and private functions.

All ASHA Centre profits go toward funding its pioneering leadership and personal development projects with young people from around the world, whose lives are transformed by the experiences they gain at the ASHA Centre.

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A Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos (Associação Spin, na sua forma abreviada) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos, de âmbito nacional, que tem como objectivo fundamental a realização de programas de mobilidade internacional para jovens. Fruto da vontade comum de um conjunto de pessoas com experiência na gestão de projectos internacionais na área da formação, do voluntariado e da cooperação, a Associação Spin pretende assumir-se como um veículo de promoção da interculturalidade e de uma cidadania activa e participativa.

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CISV International is a global organization dedicated to educating and inspiring for peace through building inter-cultural friendship, cooperation and understanding. Founded in 1950, today we are a federation of 60 Member Associations with over 200 Chapters or local groups. In over 60 years we have given countless children and young people the experience of their lives and the opportunity to build lasting friendships through our international educational programmes.

Our innovative, fun, non-formal peace education ‘learning by doing’ programmes begin with our original and unique Village programme for 11-year-olds. We offer an exciting blend of seven international camp-based, family exchange and local community programmes. We aim to help our participants develop the skills they need to become informed, responsible and active global citizens and make a difference in their communities and the world. The glue that underpins all of our programmes is friendship, in line with our founding belief that peace is possible through friendship and mutual understanding.
CISV has a vision of a more just and peaceful world; we believe that we can all take responsibility for making this happen. This vision gives us a strong purpose, or mission, which is summed up clearly in our Statement of Purpose: CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world




Prisms is a group of experienced youth workers/leaders that came together with the aim to cater for the requirements of young people. As an NGO, Prisms is always striving to provide informal and non-formal learning opportunities

Mission Statement:
PRISMS aims to empower young people, youth workers, youth leaders and all those interested in their own personal development, with the skills, tools, information and values necessary for personal growth and to be active participants within society.


СВІТ-Україна міжобласна волонтерська організація

SVIT-Ukraine is the Ukrainian branch of SCI (Service Civil International). We organize local and international volunteer activities.

The interregional voluntary organization “SVIT-Ukraine” was established in autumn 2000 as a working group on volunteering, and was officially registered in November 2005 as local non profit organization, which is created for promotion, support and development of the volunteer movement in Ukraine. In 2009 SVIT became the Ukrainian branch of Service Civil International.



DOMGO MIKS was established in 2010 by the group of social active young people of Dnepropetrovsk region.The aim of organization is to activate young people.


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Çanakkale Koza Gençlik Derneği, çocukların ve gençlerin sosyalleşmesini sağlamak;bunu yaparken de eğlenmeyi ve eğlendirmeyi ilke edinmiş bir oluşumdur. Hedefleri arasında; çocukların ve gençlerin sosyal, kültürel ve kişisel gelişimlerine katkıda bulunduracak atölyeler yapmak, gençliğin sosyal ve sivil toplum yaşamına katılımını arttıracak etkinlikler bulunmaktadır.

Proje Atölyeleri

Gençlerin AB gençlik programıyla tanışabilmesi ve toplumda belirledikleri ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda projelerini
gerçekleştirmeleri için deneyimli kolaylaştırıcılar desteğiyle gerçekleşen çalışmalara sizlerde katılabilirsiniz.

Eğitimler ve Seminerler

Derneğimizin hazırladığı dönemsel; Sosyal Haklar, Ekip Çalışması, Liderlik, İletşim, Girişimcilik ve Proje Yönetimi gibi eğitimlerinin
yanı sıra ulusal ve uluslar arası eğitimlerden haberdar olarak, bunlara da katılma şansını yakalayabilirsiniz.

Gençlik Politikaları

Geleceğin liderleri olmanın yanı sıra, bugününde ortakları olan gençlerin; yönetimde aktif katılımlarının sağlanması ve söz sahibi olmalarına yönelik çalışmaları ifade eden gençlik
politikaları; çeşitli atölye çalışmaları, eğitimler ve saha çalışmalarından ouşuyor.

Şenlik ve Eğlence Organizasyonları

Bünyemiz içerisindeki deneyimli kolaylaştırıcılarımızla hayallerinizdeki eğlenceye ve eğitimlere yönelik şenlik ve parti organizasyonlarına sizde katılabilirsiniz.

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La Asociación cultural, “Membrillos Por el Mundo”, fundada en Puente Genil por el italiano, Alberto Ucci y por el español, Miguel Haro Torres, visitó el pasado viernes 18 de marzo, el almacén centralizado de El Cabril, dentro de las actividades de su programa de intercambio “Black Cherry”, que surgió hace tres años con la voluntad de consolidar una línea de actuación para lograr un equilibrio sostenible entre progreso, tecnología y medio ambiente.

Conocer, aprender, confrontarse, hablar, tocar y vivir las diferencias, son la vía para lograr una apertura mental, un crecimiento personal y un valor tan significativo como la consciencia europea, además de descubrir lo fascinante que es comunicarse con coetáneos de países diferentes. Con esta mentalidad nace “Black Cherry”, programa subvencionado con fondos de la Unión Europea y cuyos participantes, procedentes de países tan diversos como Canadá, Polonia, Francia, Lituania, Rumanía y España, se han unido en aras de un objetivo común: la concienciación y sensibilización por la protección del medioambiente.

Durante la visita, el grupo de más de 20 personas, agradeció a Enresa su “dedicación en el recorrido” y la explicación detallada del funcionamiento de la instalación, “permitiendo así la difusión y conocimiento de El Cabril, haciendo que sea algo más cercano y familiar”.

“Membrillos por el Mundo” y los chicos de intercambio de “Black Cherry”, por medio de la fundación Fundacja Dla Wolnosci de Polonia, la Asociación Juvenil MJC Montbrison, de Francia y Environmental Club “Zvejone” de Lituania, agradeció en una carta dirigida a Enresa el “haberles dado esta oportunidad única”.

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YCCD is a non-governmental organization with mission to increase civic participation of young people for the community development.

Increase civic participation of young people for the community development Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan is a non-governmental organization with the mission to increase civic participation of young people for the community development. In order to meet this task the NGO has been implementing the educational and Youth development programs. The YCCD NGO works with local, regional, national and international organizations and foundations.

The main target group of our NGO is the young men and women aged between 13 and 30, who are living in the rural communities of Armenia, especially in the Northern regions (Tavush, Lori and Shirak) and have different educational, social, family and professional background.

YCCD NGO was established in 2006 and registered in 2008 on the basis of volunteerism of some young people with 4-5 years working experience in NGO sector. The main activities of the YCCD NGO include the spheres of Non formal education, Environment, Journalism, Culture, Sports and Civic Participation with different target groups (children, youth, students, and teachers).

YCCD is accredited as Sending/ Hosting and Coordinating Organization, within the EVS – “Youth in Action” Programme. EIRef: 2012-PL-149

The views expressed by external commentators are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect those of Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan NGO. All comments, content, and images must be of a friendly nature and must not racially or otherwise vilify or marginalise other participants, must not be of a religiously insensitive, or sexually explicit nature.
In other words, comments must not persecute the opinions and contribution of other participants at an irrational level.

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ALDA coordinates a network of local democracy agencies in South East Europe in existence since 1993 and a network of 12 LDAs in the Balkans and in the Southern Caucasus. It also gathered a network of 300 members and partners accross Europe.

The Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) is an International non-governmental organization founded in 1999 as a small initiative of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities to coordinate a network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) already in existence since 1993.

The LDAs are local NGOs acting to foster Human Rights and local democracy.

Different pillars of activities were rapidly added to ALDA’s mission which nowadays include:

• strengthening of European integration in different geographical areas including Caucasus;
• active citizenship and citizens’ participation;
• fostering of equal opportunities and young policies;
• sustainable economic development;

The ALDA’s working method is based on:

• decentralized and multilateral cooperation: cooperation between local, national and international partners;
• fostering of partnerships: partners exchange best practices and create common projects to reach common benefits;
• technical assistance and training addressed to local authorities, associations and NGOs (capacity buiding).

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