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Today was the first day of Erasmus+ youth exchange project “#RECRAFT16 : Rural Entrepreneurship, Craft your future!“ powered by EUROSUD, which gathered participants from 6 countries: Italy, Armenia, Georgia, Poland, Ukraine and Czech Republic from 01-09-2016 to 09-09-2016.

Representatives from the organizations started the day with an introduction session. It was not only a great way to get to know each other but also was the perfect opportunity to move a little bit and to test one’s memory. What is more, we discussed the aim of the project and the motivation to participate in youth exchange. After a short coffee break, participants got an (im)possible mission – to complete several task in 30 minutes. Participants quickly divided their assignments and almost made the impossible happen. Participants shared their dreams and wishes for the future, wrote the rules of the project, draw everyone’s portraits and even created a hymn for the project. After full and delicious Italian lunch cooked by a professional chef everyone went to the Giovinazzo city for a treasure hunt. Treasure hunt was a challenge where participants completing the given tasks. Participants practiced their Italian language skills while interacting with locals; they were looking for young entrepreneurs who shared their inspiring stories and experience. After more than two hours, spend in the narrow but charming streets in the old town, all the participants returned back excited to share what they found. We close the first day of activities with a daily evaluation – the participants, separated in group, reflected and discuss the implemented activities. After a day full of new experiences, the group gathered outside in the garden of the monastery to enjoy the BBQ and continued getting to know each other better under the moonlight.

FEEDBACK FROM YOU(TH) CAN MAKE A CHANGE! Samobor, Croatia 20– 28. 06.2016

eurosudFrom 20. To 28.06. our organization was a part of main activity of the project Yout(th) can make a change! that was held in Samobor, Croatia, in organization of Association Pozitiva Samobor.

The main aim of the project was to tackle the topic of immigration crisis by using theater as a method, where participants were creating a performance that has included citizens into the real-life situation of immigrants. Performance was implemented to show the problems immigrants are facing with when entering into foreign country, so that both participants are able to put themselves into the role of immigrants, as well as for citizens to see a connection between the performance and situation and reality. Performance raised awareness about the heaviness of conditions immigrants are facing with in nowaday situation of ongoing crisis and neccessity to take possible measures (which every citizen can do) to improve their situation.

Our organization was represented by 5 participants and 1 group leader who actively took part in workshops and contributed with their motivation and experiences to overall project results.

Chek PHOTOS and VIDEO right here


eurosudPart of every project is dissemination phase which is very important. In order to spread voice about project and activities implemented during the project among young people in Bari, EUROSUD has printed 10 posters (created by participants) and put them on crowded places in Bari. Also, EUROSUD members printed 30 flyers and handing them out to young people. What we have noticed is that young people of Bari were really interested in project topic and most of them were asking more information how to join projects like this.

Short summury of project: Youth Exchange “Youth European Education” was hosted in Djakovo, Croatia between 16th and 23rd of May and it gathered 48 young people from Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Latvia. Even though active citizenship requires people to get involved, to play an active role in political, social and economic life many young people still don’t recognize active participation as important. Many issues are connected with youth and active participation – low participation of youth on elections, lack of knowledge about importance of being an active citizen and low engagement and participation in political, social and economic processes.

The objectives of the youth exchange were:

  • To critically and creatively reflect about the role and relevance of European citizenship,
  • To promote active participation of citizens and their role in building our societies based on European values,
  • To define role of citizens and NGO’s,
  • To increase the participants professional competences in developing and evaluating projects with young people,
  • To support capacity and partnership building. Youth European Education-local activities.

#YEEbyCET #erasmusplus #youthmobility #education #baseofEurope #cetplatform #cetplatformhrvatska


eurosudIn tutta Europa, il 9 maggio si è celebrata la Festa dell’Europa. EUROSUD con la collaborazione della Facoltà di Economia e Giurisprudenza dell’università di Osijek ha deciso di celebrare la Giornata dell’Europa. Per l’occasione sono stati sviluppati diversi workshops e laboratori didattici con la partecipazione di più di 150 studenti. Tema principale della giornata è stato approfondire i programmi di studio e tirocinio offerte dalla Commissione europea . Ampio spazio è stato dedicato anche al programma Erasmus, il programma di scambio fra università europee che ogni anno offre la possibilità a migliaia di studenti di trascorrere un anno nei Paesi UE e dal 2014 anche in Paesi extra europei.
La manifestazione appena conclusa (laboratori e confronti) che abbiamo organizzato è il risultato di un percorso condiviso che le associazioni dell’Università di Osijek e l’associazione EUROSUD . Tutto è stato reso possibile anche grazie al supporto dei docenti dei corsi di Laurea . Di sicuro un’occasione di confronto sul futuro dell’Unione europea e sul senso di sentirsi cittadini d’Europa con lo sguardo sempre più rivolto al futuro.(Kristina Kristina Vidović,,Erasmus intern EUROSUD).

In May each year, the European Institutions celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the European Union. Entertaining and informative activities are organised throughout Europe and beyond. This is an opportunity for citizens, students, young people, to learn and talk about the day-to-day work of the institutions, as well as the broader issues, challenges and benefits of the European Union for its 508 million citizens.
This year EUROSUD has participated in event “My (utilized) possibility for the future” at Faculty of Economics in Osijek, that was follow up from European EFOS week 2015. Main aim this year was to present and inform students of Osijek about opportunities that EU is offering to them and also sharing real stories of students who were brave enough to grab a chance and use one of these opportunities.
More than 150 students participated in lecture and later in several workshops that was conducted by EUROSUD team. As well we had opportunity to talk about our last project Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe ‪#‎PLME16‬, that was implemented in April.(partner CET Platform Tomislav Bogdan)


Faculty of Economics in Osijek


‪#‎europeday‬ ‪#‎EuropeanEFOSweek‬


eurosudDear partners , participants and friends , the last activity of European Youth Work Academy, “Training of Trainers”, has finished . Right here goes the final update from project European Youth Work Academy ‪#‎EYWAbyCET‬ .Here you can read and learn from their final press release and what they worked towards on their final course: Training of Trainers. For anybody interested in becoming a non-formal education trainer, email eywa@cetplatform.org to find out more about the follow-up project. Well done to all those involved!

CET Platform has hosted the last activity of European Youth Work Academy – “Training of Trainers”.  Already for the third time during the last 5 months CET Platform is hosting in Belgrade the training course, which is a part of a wide scale project under the title “European Youth Work Academy”. The first two activities, “Training of Management” and “Training of Leaders” gave to participants the opportunity to build partner relationships with the organizations from all over the Europe, to exchange examples of good practice and work, to learn how to organize youth activities ,and finally this week, during the “Training of Trainers”, – to get deeper into trainers skills and knowledge that will be used in sustainable education of other youth workers and young people about topics concerned with youth organizations, their activities and cooperation. The project was implemented with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The activity took place in Belgrade, Serbia, during 22-29th of April, 2016, and has brought together 29 youth workers from 24 European countries – Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy Kosovo, Lithuania,Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.

The activity was built on using the non-formal methods of education under the guidance of experienced and highly professional trainers – Vojislav Vujić (Serbia), Max Fras (UK), and Agnieszka Janik (Poland). With a lot of new knowledge and practical skills, participants have developed and improved their competences as trainers, which will definitely contribute to increasing the quality of youth work in their organizations and Europe generally. Along with practical work, participants gained knowledge about trainer’s skills and useful tools, such as Compass, Salto, T-Kit, ETC Competence Model, UK NA Trainers portfolio, etc.

Besides the great impact on participants, organizations, local and European communities, one of the biggest results of European Youth Work Academy can be considered several follow-up activities and new activities that will allow the former participants to practice and master all the competences they developed during the project, from management and organization to training and inspiring new generations of youth workers all over Europe.



eurosudEUROSUD representatives in the long term project ‘FAITHS OF THE WORLD: INTERFAITH DIALOGUE IN YOUTH WORK’  from 19.04.2016 till  27.04.2016

We consider the experience at Asha Center as very positive one. The staff were very prepared and organized. The food is definitely the best of the rest of the Uk and the rooms and facilities are really nice and comfortable. We can describe ASHA as a meditative center , very isolated in the countryside surrounded by streams, flowers, plants, mazes, small temples and benches surrounded by greenery. Even though our daily schedule was very busy, the learning week was a fruitful effort. For a weekly project it is ideal for cooling off in the middle of nature. Sometimes also we had opportunity to have fun and relax. Some of the participants were at the first experience in Erasmus projects and quite young as well , and at the beginning they didn’t realize all the programme and workshops . During the evening there were activities lead directly by the participants , inspirational evenings , movie nights and most of the time we had yoga sessions(morning\evenings).
Some of the activities that we enjoyed the most were : with couples we had to present on flipcharts the most important information and details of different religions and various theatrical performances about the representation of interreligious dialogue. As a group we had opportunity to visit an Hindu temple, a church Muslim mosque and a Christian church . We had chance to ask a lot of questions about the different religions while visiting those places.
“Young people really do want to be friends with people from other cultures , but the idea of it is a lot easier than the practice.”

We , as EUROSUD,partner and sending organization in this project , we would like to encourage more and more young people ,volunteers and youth-workers in taking part in such kind of learning activities. “Young people really do want to be friends with people from other cultures and learn from eachother , but beside this , the idea is a lot easier than the practice.

Barbara R.
Mariagrazia S.
Raffaella B.
Lavinia S.

ASHA Foundation


eurosudDal 9 al 16 Aprile 2016 si è tenuto tra Corato , Giovinazzo e Bari il progetto internazionale Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe ‪#‎PLME16‬organizzato da ‪#‎EUROSUD‬ associazione per la mobilità giovanile internazionale di Triggiano. Il progetto è stato realizzato con il supporto dell’Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ promosso e sostenuto dalla Commissione Europea.Al progetto hanno partecipato 35 giovani tra cui studenti universitari , group leader , volontari e youthworkers provenienti da Italia, Croazia, Malta, Polonia, Republic of Macedonia, Spagna, Romania e Grecia. I partecipanti sono rappresentanti e volontari di realtà associative internazionali che lavorano nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ .Un ringraziamento particolare e sincero per i grandiosi risultati ottenuti è riservato ai partecipanti ed ai rappresentanti delle associazioni locali coinvolte.

EUROSUD organization hosted the training course – “Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe” ‪#‎PLME16‬, funded by Erasmus+ program of European Commission. The project gathered up to 35 representatives of youth organizations and organizations working within youth field from Italy, Malta, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Greece, Spain and took place in Giovinazzo (Metropolitan area of Bari), South of Italy Region Puglia from 09.04.2016 until 16.04.2016.eurosud The training offered youth workers and young leaders a possibility to learn more how to promote labor mobility, how to help young people to find information and use tools provided by European Commission such as EURES network, EURODESK , Erasmus+, focusing on guaranteed rights and limitations, what support young people working in other member state can get, etc. The program of training contained various forms of non-formal learning methods such as simulations, brainstorming, work in the groups, presentations, etc. The training course provided space for exchange ideas and sharing best practices. Participants met the representatives from local NGOs (AIESEC Bari, Forum Giovani Corato , Union Pro Europe , AEGEEE Bari) and visited several institutions in Bari like: the University of Bari Aldo Moro and Impact Hub Centre Fiera del Levante Exhibition area to understand more about youth labour issues and challenges in the region. Participants also had chance to explore the old city with USE It Bari map designed and provided by Aps AkuBari . The whole project was full of interesting and useful activities that help us to understand more about the topic and to create a base for future cooperation.

We surely hope this small booklet gave you an overview regarding our activities within the framework of Erasmus + grants level. It would contribute somehow to international cooperation and tools to fight youth unemployment. Our wish is that you can get an idea as well of the mobility experience of our participants have done, since the most important thing is sharing knowledge and experiences. Please feel to share the content of it on the widest scale possible!

For more information  click on Link! ⬇⬇⬇

Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe Booklet


eurosudLa primavera pugliese sta per lasciare il posto all’estate, e il piccolo polpo rosa che occhieggia dalle pagine della USE-IT di Bari è sempre pronto a offrire suggerimenti e indicazioni a giovani viaggiatori curiosi di un punto di vista alternativo sulla città, come del resto accade per ogni USE-IT che si rispetti.

Questa volta, dal 9 al 16 aprile, in occasione del progetto internazionale “Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe” #PLME16, finanziato dal programma ERASMUS+ della Commissione Europea, con il patrocinio della Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea, a essere accompagnati dalla mappa cartacea USE IT Bari sono stati 30 rappresentanti di organizzazioni giovanili provenienti da Malta, Croazia, Macedonia, Polonia, Romania, Grecia, Spagna e Italia.
Non un viaggio di piacere, dunque, ma un vero e proprio tour di formazione “in loco” per imparare a promuovere la mobilità giovanile sul lavoro.
A Bari, la proposta formativa a Bari e l’accoglienza degli ospiti a Giovinazzo sono state curate dall’associazione EUROSUD, organizzazione per la mobilità giovanile internazionale che ha preso parte a programmi di apprendimento promossi e finanziati dall’Unione Europea – in particolare scambi giovanili e corsi di formazione nell’ambito del programma ERASMUS+.
Questi gli obiettivi di progetto raccontati da Adriano Difronzo di EUROSUD, che ha anche avuto l’idea di contattarci:

  • supportare giovani che si approcciano al mondo del lavoro a prendere dimestichezza con i programmi EU sulla mobilità e la partecipazione attiva;
  • mettere a fuoco le differenti opinioni dei giovani sulla mobilità lavorativa e la cittadinanza europea;
  • creare un “Tool-box” per la promozione della mobilità lavorativa dei giovani europei;
  • imparare a utilizzare tecniche di apprendimento non formale come strumenti per analizzare la questione della disoccupazione giovanile e della mobilità lavorativa.Le attività di progetto sono state costruite lavorando con metodi di apprendimento non formale durante l’intera durata del programma: brainstorming, discussioni collettive, dibattiti, simulazioni, lavoro in piccoli gruppi, presentazioni, attività teatrali, giochi di ruolo, coinvolgimento nello sviluppo di progetti locali, regionali, nazionali e internazionali.Noi abbiamo avuto il piacere di accompagnare il loro tour pugliese con la nostra USE-IT Bari; per leggere impressioni e riflessioni dei partecipanti…

Seguite l’hashtag #PLME16! E trovate tutte le info su:



Antonella Ciociola


«Un’esperienza straordinaria ed unica nel suo genere». Così Francesco Maldera, componente dell’Esecutivo del Forum dei Giovani Comune di Corato, inizia il suo racconto di quanto vissuto a Sofia (Bulgaria) dal 10 al 17 aprile. Un’opportunità creata grazie alla partnership tra il Forum ed Eurosud ed inserita nel programma Erasmus+ “E(U)volution: the generation”.

«Ci siamo ritrovati come giovani cittadini europei, con le nostre culture, le nostre differenze, a confrontarci su economia e democrazia. Bellissimi i momenti delle visite alle istituzioni nazionali come il Parlamento ed i workshop con europarlamentari ed ambasciatori: in quei momenti abbiamo potuto esprimere le nostre idee su dove l’Europa dovrebbe investire e con quali meccanismi di incentivo, anche per noi giovani.

Ringrazio Forum ed Eurosud per questa opportunità e invito i miei coetanei a provarla» scrive Francesco.

Soddisfatto il presidente del Forum, Luigi Menduni: «questa partnership sta segnando la crescita di giovani cittadini europei con esperienze positive e costruttive, continua ad innovare il campo delle politiche giovanili locali, con i giovani al centro».

«Dopo aver superato i primi naturali timori, i ragazzi si sono uniti all’esperienza con grande entusiasmo – commenta il presidente di Eurosud Adriano Di Fronzo -. È stata difficile la conclusione visto il bel clima creatosi. Anche questa esperienza consolida la nostra partnership con il Forum dei Giovani coratino con cui siamo felici di poter continuare a crescere passo dopo passo».

Giovani ed Europa, a maggio una nuova opportunità da cogliere


eurosudQuesta mattina inizia l’ultima fase dell’Accademia Europea del lavoro giovanile European Youth Work Academy a Belgrado

Tanti gli operatori attivi nel campo dei giovani e delle organizzazioni giovanili, in inglese youth workers , provenienti da 24 paesi europei .
I futuri formatori e operatori giovanili avranno l’opportunità nei prossimi 7 giorni per conoscere formatori competenze, l’educazione non formale, organizzazione di seminari, gruppi leader, il lavoro e gli standard di lavoro con i giovani a livello europeo. Il progetto è realizzato da CET Platform Belgrado in collaborazione con altre 23 organizzazioni partner ed è finanziato dal programma europeo Erasmus +. Fino ad oggi nell’ambito del progetto i partecipanti hanno avuto la possibilità di conoscere la gestione delle organizzazioni giovanili, le modalità di raccolta fondi e le strategie di comunicazione , nonché la formazione dei futuri organizzatori di scambi giovanili internazionali e animatori .
Attraverso l’utilizzo di modalità di apprendimento non formali , i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di conoscersi l’un l’altro, a capire le differenze e le somiglianze tra le loro culture, pianificare i progetti e le cooperazioni future. Tutti i materiali sono a disposizione di altri operatori giovanili e organizzazioni attraverso il sito web anche: http://youthworkacademy.eu/

European Youth Work Academy ha raggiunto sino ad oggi 102 operatori giovanili provenienti da tutto l’Europa che hanno avuto l’occasione di visitare Belgrado e prendere parte a uno dei diversi corsi di formazione. Da sottolineare l’elevato numero di candidature ricevute più di 1500 che dimostra la motivazione e la necessità di prendere parte a tali attività .
CET Platform è la rete europea di organizzazioni costituite da un gruppo di esperti al fine di fornire sostegno allo sviluppo e miglioramento della qualità delle organizzazioni della civil society. CET è attiva nel campo della imprenditorialità giovanile, la partecipazione attiva, la promozione dei valori europei e l’integrazione europea.

CET Platform


eurosudYouth Exchange “Youth European Education” will be hosted in Djakovo, Croatia from 16.05.2016. until 23.05.2016. and it is aimed for 48 young people from Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia.

Even tough active citizenship requires people to get involved, to play an active role in political and  social life many young people still don’t recognize active participation as important. Many issues are connected with youth and active participation – low participation of youth on elections, lack of knowledge about importance of being an active citizen and low engagement and participation in political, social and economic processes.

Summarizing the objectives of the YE are to critically and creatively reflect about the role and relevance of European citizenship, to promote active participation of citizens and their role in building our societies based on European values, to define role of citizens and NGO’s, to increase the participants professional competences in developing and evaluating projects with young people, to support capacity and partnership building.

Program of the Youth Exchange is adapted to the needs of participants and contain various forms of non-formal learning methods such as simulations, brainstorming, work in the groups, debates, presentations.


eurosudLavoro, giovani e mobilità. Questi sono i tre paradigmi cui è stato improntato l’evento del 12 aprile, organizzato dall’associazione Eurosud, con la collaborazione del Centro Studi Diritto dei Lavori, nell’ambito del programma Erasmus Plus, per la promozione della mobilità giovanile nel nuovo mercato del lavoro europeo.
La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Bari, è stata teatro della giornata “Promotion of labour mobility in Europe”, con l’intervento dei giovani avvocati Valerio Belsito e Maria Valeria Di Pierro, rappresentanti del CENTRO STUDI DIRITTO DEI LAVORI .
Ragazzi di dieci differenti nazionalità europee, hanno preso parte all’incontro che ha realizzato una perfetta sintesi tra i canoni dell’educazione formale tipica dell’istituzione universitaria e quelli della non formal education, sempre più attuale in un’Europa che vuole crescere e confrontarsi con realtà diverse.
Kristina Vidovic , Erasmus internship in EUROSUD, ha introdotto l’evento manifestando l’interesse dell’associazione ai temi della mobilità giovanile e dell’integrazione europea, in un panorama geo-politico sempre più frastagliato e sempre più tragicamente instabile.
In questo quadro , la promozione dell’integrazione europea attraverso la mobilità giovanile, può rappresentare un’ancora di salvezza culturale, ed è senz’altro importante che tutti gli attori sociali interessati a contribuirvi risultino sempre più coinvolti e capaci di cooperare in tale ottica.


eurosudL’associazione EUROSUD presente per l’evento ” Sharing Erasmus Experiences” Dialoghi e confronti su progetti formativi europei , good practices e buone idee svoltosi presso l’aula consiliare di Belpasso ( CT) il 10 marzo 2016.
Tema principale dell’incontro è stato il valore aggiunto della possibilità di lavorare, studiare o fare volontariato in un Paese estero e su come possa contribuire al miglioramento delle metodologie didattiche e ad una maggiore cooperazione tra il mondo dell’istruzione e quello della formazione. Presente in aula anche una delegazione scolastica turca e croata.
Un ringraziamento particolare a tutti i referenti che hanno lavorato e reso possibile questo importante meeting!

Also EUROSUD , organization for international youth mobility present as a speaker for the event ” Sharing Erasmus Experiences ” dialogues and debates regarding European educational projects, good practices and good ideas held municipality townhall of Belpasso (CT) March 10, 2016.
The main theme was the added value of the opportunity to work, study or volunteer in a foreign country and how it can contribute to the implementation and the improvement of teaching methods and more cooperation between organizations and schhols in the field of education and training.
During the meeting has been hosted as well a Turkish school boarding members and the Croatian representative from SOF Croatia organization .
A special thanks to all organizers for their hard work and committment in order to develop this important meeting!



~OSIJEK, 24 February 2016~

eurosudEUROSUD had opportunity to be part of an event at Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku where was disscused about opportunities for young people from EU funds.
Special guest speaker was Tomislav Tolušić, minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, who presented the project “Academy of Regional Development and EU Funds” developed by the Ministry of Regional Development. Project aims to raise awareness of the student population about the opportunities available to them through EU funds.

In second part of Conference was panel “Opportunities for young people from the EU funds” through which were presented the following topics:
– Opportunities for the start-up through Structural Funds
– Erasmus +
– Erasmus for entrepreneurs
– Youth Guarantee
– BIOS Business Incubator
– Consultant’s experience for EU projects


eurosudBelgrade is welcoming young people from 24 European countries for the “European Youth Work Academy (Training of Leaders)”.

Nowadays, in the times of the global changes and challenges, particularly – in Europe, it is important to empower youth to make the difference in the world and make sure they have sufficient skills and knowledge to create the desirable impact on the society.The international network C:E:T Platform already for several years has been providing support, assistance, services and expertise in the field of the development of civil society and democratic institutions, civic values, and non-formal education for all citizens, especially young people. It had been organizing and actively participating in local, national and international activities for youth and youth workers. This time the organization is hosting in Belgrade the international project “European Youth Work Academy”, which is implemented with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.The first part of the project, “Training of Management (TOM)”, has took place in Belgrade, in December, 2015. The next step of the project is the Training Course “Training of Leaders”, which is starting on the 12th of February, will again bring together for a week 34 youth workers from 24 European countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, UK. The training course will involve future or youth workers with limited experience that are and will be in charge in their organizations to work directly with young people in local community or on international projects, including youth exchanges.

The training program will be implemented and leaded by the experienced trainers and team of experts from Albania, Croatia and Serbia.

The third activity of the project – “Training of Trainers (TOT)”, will take place in Belgrade in April, 2016.

For additional information, please, contact:

Vojislav Vujić, Program Director of C:E:T Platform

Mob.: +381638009224

E-mail: eywa@cetplatform.org

Web: www.youthworkacademy.eu



eurosudThis training course will focus on youth unemployment rate in the South, lack of work forces in the North, misuse of workers, inequality of domestic and foreign workers, lack of information about rights and possibilities. The project will gather representatives of youth organisations and organisations working with youth from Italy, Malta, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Greece, Spain and will be hosted in Bari, Italy from 09.04.2016 until 16.04.2016.

In order to gather as much information as possible we would appreciate if you could fill out our short anonymous survey. This will give us a better understanding of your thoughts on the challenges, problems, possibilities and possible solutions to the problem.

If you would like to know about you can find more information here:



Feel free to share this survey.
Thank you for your participation!