eurosudApprovata la convenzione con l’ Università degli Studi di Bari ” Aldo Moro”, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza , per i tirocini di formazione e orientamento destinata agli studenti delle classi di laurea magistrale.
A partire da questo mese infatti, gli studenti di Giurisprudenza iscritti presso l’Università di Bari potranno svolgere un periodo di tirocinio presso l’associazione EUROSUD.
Un tirocinio formativo e di orientamento è uno strumento previsto dalla legge che consente al giovane un’esperienza effettiva presso un’azienda, un ente pubblico ovvero un’organizzazione permettendogli di mettersi alla prova in un ambiente di lavoro in modo da orientare o verificare le sue scelte professionali e di acquisire un’esperienza pratica e certificata che andrà ad arricchire il suo curriculum.

Per maggiori informazioni e dettagli sulla convenzione scriveteci su:


eurosudIl Forum dei Giovani di Corato cresce nell’ottica di creare valore e dialogo per i ragazzi della città verso l’orizzonte Europeo. In collaborazione con Eurosud presenta le opportunità di esperienza Europea inserite nel programma Erasmus+.

“Green Opportunities” (Krško – Slovenia, 1-8 Settembre 2015): pensato come uno spazio ideale per accrescere la consapevolezza riguardante i principi di resilienza, i network economici e i modelli economici alternativi ed eco-sostenibili – fascia di età 18-25 anni.

“Gamification” (Krzyzowa-Wroclaw – Polonia, 13-20 Ottobre 2015): l’esperienza riguarderà la gamification (traducibile in italiano come “ludicizzazione”) pensata per incrementare le capacità operative di organizzazioni impegnate nella gioventù.
Il progetto esplorerà l’utilizzo dei dispositivi di gioco come metodo di lavoro giovanile, progettato per coinvolgere i giovani nel risolvere i problemi delle loro comunità locali di provenienza – fascia di età 18-30 anni.

“Introducing Non-Formal Education” (Malta, 7-15 Novembre 2015): l’attività prevederà un corso di formazione sull’ambito comunicazione ed educazione non formale – fascia di età 18-30 anni.

Tutte le spese di vitto ed alloggio sono coperte al 100% dall’associazione ospitante ed i trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 100% su un massimale di spesa pari a 275 euro.

Sulle nostre pagine social e nella sezione “Bandi & Opportunità” del nostro sito www.forumgiovanicorato.weebly.com sono disponibili tutti i dettagli ed i contatti Eurosud per la candidatura e la partecipazione all’esperienza.

La scelta di Eurosud non è casuale: questa organizzazione per la mobilità giovanile internazionale costituita da un gruppo di amici e colleghi universitari nati a Bari ha già dato in circa un anno di attività la possibilità a più di 80 giovani di poter partecipare ad attività di apprendimento promosse e finanziate dal programma ”Gioventù in azione ” e Erasmus+”.

Nell’idea di valorizzare le forze giovanili del territorio, la collaborazione con Eurosud va a vitaminizzare l’attività della commissione speciale di Forum “SUpportiamoci” che è basata sulla creazione di esperienze del genere.

«Il Forum dei Giovani di Corato inizia a scrivere una sua nuova pagina concreta a favore dei giovani coratini» commenta il presidente del Forum Luigi Menduni.

«Lo sviluppo di opportunità formative e lavorative anche in ambito europeo è stato uno dei termini che ho messo alla base della mia Presidenza di Forum. E questa iniziativa è solo l’inizio di un percorso di ampio sviluppo che vedrà protagonisti le nostre idee in un Dialogo interculturale (vedi il prossimo Forum mondiale dei giovani) e i giovani di Corato finalmente padroni di casa (e non semplici osservatori) in esperienze Erasmus+ negli angoli della nostra Città».

Forum dei Giovani Comune di Corato


EUROSUD , European Organization for youth mobility, would like to inform you about a training course under the Erasmus+ programme.

Crazy for DemoCrazy will take place in Bari .
02 – 09 DECEMBER 2015
02 DECEMBER is arrival day , 09 DECEMBER is dedicated for departures.

30 participants coming from Greece , Romania , Belgium , Bulgaria ,Croatia , Czech Republic and Turkey all together we will learn non-formal teaching methods on how to help youngsters think about how they are participating in the decisions that are creating and influencing their own life. We will address the following topics: Use of media and internet for research, independent media, international political systems, European policy-making, European democratic structure, local political structures, participation of youngsters in policy-making, democratic decisions within our organizations, and argumentation & debating.



​Il dialogo inter-religioso in Europa è spesso incentrato sulle cosiddette religioni abramitiche ” del giudaismo, cristianesimo e Islam. Questo approccio alla religione è spesso a scapito delle religioni originarie altre parti del mondo,
che, in termini di popolazione, antichità, influenza storica e ricchezza culturale sono altrettanto importanti; L’induismo è la terza più grande religione nel mondo e fra le grandi religioni,rappresenta la più antica. Questo corso di formazione  si propone di fare chiarezza sul tema, nel contesto del dialogo interreligioso.

Il corso utilizza metodi educativi non formali, tra cui workshops ,lavori di gruppo, condivisione e
giochi di ruolo. Sessioni specifiche riguarderanno pratiche come lo yoga e la meditazione, una visita presso un tempio indù.

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to Hinduism, its beliefs, practices and significance for young European people today. It follows many previous courses at the ASHA Centre that have been either about Interfaith Dialogue in general or Islam in particular.

Interfaith dialogue in Europe is often focused on the so-called ‘Abrahamic’ faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This approach to religions is often to the detriment of religions originating in other parts of the world, which, in terms of population, antiquity, historical influence and cultural richness are just as important; Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world and of these large religions, the very oldest one. This course seeks to do justice to that fact in the context of interfaith dialogue.

The course will use non-formal educational methods, including presentations, group work, sharing and games. Specific sessions will look at practices like yoga and meditation, include a visit to a beautiful Hindu Temple, question and answer sessions with Hindus about their religion, an Indian story telling session, and an exploration of Indian history and philosophy.



APPLICATION: eurosudngo@gmail.com

20 .10.2015 – 28 .10.2015 “SMALL STEP, BIG IMPACT!!!” SAMBOR – CROATIA

The general objectives pursued by the project are to:
· Create friendly, inspirational, creative space for sharing and learning;
· Setting the ground for the topic of the project and introducing the importance;
of waste management and presenting the opportunities for self-employment;
· Introducing the participants to the local city and promoting our activities;
· Opening the minds and starting the creative processes for developing the  outcomes;
· Sharing the outcomes and promoting the project and the Erasmus+  opportunities to the youngsters and the local community;
· Promote active participation, volunteering and raising awareness of  opportunities for youth.

Zero waste is not a dream.  The nature by itself doesn’t create waste. Why should we? Why we are going the opposite way of that the nature has intended  us. We do not support inefficient  system that creates waste so let’s think of changing the waste into a resource. On every project  we are trying to reuse the materials so why not to make a project where we  can improve all of it on a project so our next projects will be more waste efficient and we can  have more products from each project, beside the main idea. Let’s change all of that  with  the  project  ,,Upcycle  4  better  Life  cycle”,  in  Bitola and  with  our  creativity give the society an example how far can we go if we reuse what we call waste. With  forces joined from 8 countries, 40 participants for recycling and non – recycling societies  we will  share the experience of reusing the waste, but not only in the form of raw materials, but also in  a  form of  ready material  in  its given  shape  and  state  and  present  to  the  City  the  tall  standing sculpture  of  how  reusing  can  be  useful.
Using  non – form al  methods  combined with  informal  sharing  of  the  culture  for  kick – starting  the  creativity  process  that  is  wall  impregnated  in  our  conciseness. The arts and crafts section will bring it closer to the society the upcycling methods  through  the  presentation  in the primary  schools  and  the  high  schools  and  motivate  the youngsters from early age to think of the waste in a different way. Also let’s make some jewelery so it will remind us of the process of upcyclig as a motivation of self – employment and create a  database (blog) for draining the experience shared and share the new gained one. All in all we want to share this idea not only between the  participants but in their wider surrounding and the environment and the business sector whenever the influence can reach through the participants influential social life network. Let’s create a self – sustaining system leading on for zero waste or  at least give the system a little push on this direction. Lets change the way we see the waste and  start looking at it as a free resource. Lets be the change. Let’s Upcycle for a better life cycle.



APPLICATION: eurosudngo@gmail.com


“Training of Management” that will be hosted from 30/11/2015 until 07/12/2015 in Belgrade, Serbia.

“Training of Leaders” that will be hosted from 18/02/2016 until 25/02/2015 in Belgrade, Serbia.

“Training of Trainers” that will be hosted from 22/04/2016 until 29/04/2016 in Belgrade, Serbia.

EUROSUD and CET Platform ngos are presenting a  multi-activity project “European Youth Work Academy” that will include 15 partner organizations from European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo UNSC 1244, Albania, Turkey, Macedonia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland . Project has been submitted to  EACEA  within KA2, Capacity Building Projects within Erasmus+ programme.

Project aims to rise capacities of youth organizations to create, plan and implement project within Erasmus+ and in general, trough improvement of quality of youth work, education of the staff of organizations and innovative approaches in European Youth Work.

Project will include three modules/editions:

YOM edition (Youth organizations Management) will offer skills and knowledge to staff of involved organizations related to communication with target group, HR, fundraising, project planning and management, involvement of young people with fewer opportunities.

TOL edition (Training of Leaders) will offer skills and knowledge to staff of involved organizations related to preparation and implementation of Youth Exchanges, work with non-experienced youth, inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, non-formal education methodology and facilitation skills.

TOT edition (Training of Trainers) will offer skills and knowledge to staff of involved organizations related to preparation and implementation of trainings for young leaders and youth workers, including trainer’s skills.

All activities will be hosted in Belgrade city center (Serbia)

Relevant dates:

“Training of Management” that will be hosted from 30/11/2015 until 07/12/2015 in Belgrade, Serbia.

“Training of Leaders” that will be hosted from 18/02/2016 until 25/02/2015 in Belgrade, Serbia.

“Training of Trainers” that will be hosted from 22/04/2016 until 29/04/2016 in Belgrade, Serbia.


APPLICATION: eurosudngo@gmail.com


We are happy to inform you that Italian National Agency approved our project “I Manage 2.0” .

Training Course is planned to be hosted in Bari, South of Italy from the 20 – 25 October  2015 ( 6 days activities excluding travel days ) and EUROSUD will be the hosting organization for 30 participants coming from Greece , Romania , Malta , Spain and from two Baltic states such as Lithuania and Latvia .

In the past few years EUROSUD has been very  active in sending  members and youth workers to various training courses with the intention to invest in the young people part of the organization. Although there were a number of good quality trainings which the participants member attended, there were other trainings which lacked quality and proper project management. For this reason it was felt the need to organise a training course that focuses on the various types and levels of project management. This training course will take into consideration all the phases needed for the successful implementation of a project; starting from the creation of a project, risk assessment, crisis management, Communication tools and Evaluation techniques. All this will be taken within the framework of the new Erasmus+. Moreover the project will involve a number of online tools which can be used for project management ideal for the ERAMSUS+ Framework. During iMANAGE 2.0 we will be using non-formal methods of education such as, simulation sessions, discussions, workshops and other creative methods. By the end of this training course the participants  will be equipped with tools that will allow them to see a project through from inception to evaluation and to increase the quality of the project being implemented.
I MANAGE 2.0 aims to reach 3 main objectives; Project Management in the youth field within the ERASMUS+ framework, ahands-on experience is using free online tools and to increase the overall quality of the project being implemented.
I MANAGE 2.0 will be implemented with the valuable use of non-formal methodology, through using a varying spectrum of tools & methods. Learning by doing approach will follow the program and the sessions will be planned carefully to tackle all the necessary elements.
Expert trainers contribution will enrich the learning of participants and give them a chance to get answers for their questions regarding the topic. The whole training will be enriched by the use of NFE methods that enable active participation, group cohesion and a safe learning environment. The team of trainers covers a variety of expertise and they shall add more value to the activity and enrich the experience of the participants.


National Agency of Macedonia has approved our project by the name “Non-formal work for You(th)!”.

Summary of the project:

Training course ”Non-formal work for You(th)!” (NFWY!) will address the need present throughout whole Europe for competent young leaders and facilitators in civil society who will be willing and able to run educational activities for youth based on the values of the European Union and the Council of Europe, through usage of non-formal approach that has proven utmost flexibility beyond the borders of social classes, gender, nationalities and mentalities.

TC seeks to enable participants to explore and actually understand the concept and factors behind non-formal learning, and thus to competently design, facilitate and debrief existing and novel non-formal learning sessions and opportunities. Furthermore, in order to ensure sustainability, this TC wants to provide the participants with a coached and structured opportunity to elaborate a professional and personal development plan based on competencies and values.

The international 7-day-lasting training course “NFWY” aims at enabling facilitators, trainers and activity leaders in international youth work and in Erasmus + projects to design, facilitate, debrief and reflect on non-formal learning processes and group dynamics of high impact. The Training Course is practically based using various techniques of experiential learning together with presentations, discussions and exchange of experiences, and it will use several approaches that are all based on participant-centered methods.


We are very happy to inform you that the training course: The Next Step | NGOs and CSR will be held between the 18 – 25 September 2015 in Malta (including arrival and departure days).

It is not enough to have a good idea. As NGOs and Youth organizations we should be able to communicate this in an efficient way; in a way that the corporate world would understand. This Training course is targeted to those NGOs who are willing to go to the next step and involve the private sector in their projects.

This Training will focus on:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility,
  • How can NGO tap into the private companies’ CSR policies,
  • Learn the language of the corporate world,
  • Learn how to sell the Project to the private sector,
  • Plan a project with all the stakeholders in mind,
  • Closing the deal,
  • Learn more about KA2 of the Erasmus+.


The aim of the project:

To question whether or not the recognition of non-formal education within the formal education system should be considered as an improvement to the current European educational system.

The objectives of the project are to:
1) research the different forms of education, especially formal, informal and non-formal.
2) understand which method of non-formal learning suits the participants as individuals best.
3) fight apathy and unemployment through non-formal education.
4) to discover the regions and culture of Malta, Sardinia and Puglia.
5) to live and cooperate in an international environment with a group of people from a different background.
6) to learn how to present one’s work and disseminate in a interesting creative way.

The Partners of the Project:

Terra Di Mezzo (TDM) 2000 Malta
KSU – Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
Associazione TDM 2000

ACCOMODATION – Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS – Malta


Youth Exchange: Green Opportunities Dates: 1-8 September 2015

Venue: Krško, Slovenia
Eligible are 5 participants coming from: Italy and Involves 37 participants + 7 leaders coming from: Slovenia, FYROM, Italy, Albania, Poland, UK & Serbia

Application deadline: 22nd August 2015

We tailored this exchange as an incubator of ideas and best practices, an ideal space to raise awareness about the principles of resilience, virtuous economic networks, theories related to the economics of reciprocity and about the construction of harmonious environment-oriented societies.

General objectives pursued by the project are to :

• contribute to improve the employment rate within the participants’ communities;
• improve the level of the key competences of the young participants, in particular the ones with fewer opportunities;
• transfer values and practices related to active citizenship;
• promote Erasmus + program around Europe;
• encourage new forms of experiential and intercultural learning;
• promote alternative and eco-sustainable economic models.

Specified objectives:

-Introduce Erasmus +;
-Understand what is social economy as an alternative economic model;
-Understand what is social entrepreneurship and what it isn’t;
-Explore creativity, innovation and motivation for becoming a social entrepreneur;
-Present several tools in relation to social entrepreneurship;
-Present transnational youth initiatives as tool for trying out social entrepreneurship.

Non-formal methods will be used to create a framework for linking social entrepreneurship and Erasmus + with the aim of responding to community social needs. The course promotes alternative social economic mind sets to inspire creativity, innovation, motivation and risk taking in order to encourage social action amongst young people and supporting them in turning social needs into transnational youth initiatives.

The tools presented during the course can be further used with groups of youngster with the purpose of identifying and finding solutions to community needs, understand the project cycle management and finding innovative ways of transforming the social needs in transnational youth initiatives and later into social entrepreneurial ventures.




EUROSUD organization and Spirit of Freedom Italy international network are presenting the summer coaching week in Bulgaria.
Discover your true potential and develop your talents together with like-minded people on this beautiful location in Bulgaria. During this adventurous holiday you will learn the basics of the deliberate creation process in a fun way.

Professional coaches will guide you and stimulate you to grow and to expand your comfort zone.

We focus on fun and personal development!

➽ Where?
Ecovillage Veilingrad—Veilingrad is a typical Bulgarian city in the south of Bulgaria. It is popular for the more than 90 natural mineral water springs and the good Bulgarian food! During this week we stay in a beautiful Eco Villa surrounded by peaceful nature and water.

➽ What?
An adventurous coaching holiday from 5 till 12 September in Velingrad, Bulgaria about personal development and entrepreneurship.

7 Days program:

– 5 Fun coaching days
– Horse riding
– Via Ferrata
– 1 Day hiking
– Kayaking
– Cave visit
– Natural mineral water Spa

➽ Why?
Discover your true potential and develop your talents together with like-minded people on this beautiful location in Bulgaria. During this adventurous holiday you will learn the basics of the deliberate creation process in a fun way. Professional coaches will guide you and stimulate you to grow and to expand your comfort zone.
We focus on fun and personal development!

➽ Target ?
Are you between 18 and 35 years old and do you want to follow your dreams, start a business or meet international people? Then this holiday is perfect for you!


➽ Price?
500 euro for accommodation, food, outdoor activities and coaching course

Guide on how to apply for this project: Send a brief cover letter in English.


➽ SOF travel Agenda


We are happy and proud to announce that the project “Gamification” has been approved by the Polish National Agency, under KA1.

„Gamification –Innovative Solutions for Social Issues” will be a 7-days Training Coursefor 27 youth workers and youth leaders fromprogrammecountries (Poland, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Malta, Lithuania, United Kingdom and Czech Republic), designed todevelop operational capacities of engaged organisations by learning innovativemethods of youth social activation.
The project will explore gamification as a method of youth work, designed to engageyouth in solving problems of their localcommunities. Social engagement of youth will is expected to leverage youth position in their local communities, and thus preventsocial and economic exclusion.
Youth workers and youth leaders will discuss ways of engaging youth for taking actions for their communities, exchange goodpractices and discuss possible boundaries ofengaging young people in social actions. Participants will learn principles ofgamification –methodology of social engagement using elements of game mechanics and willdevelop methods of using theknowledge and skills in youth work.
The project will initiate network of organisations using gamification in youth work (alsoby creation of “Gamification Tool-box”), ableto support each other and multiply good practices in different social contexts in Europe.



CET Platform and partners from all over the Europe are happy to announce new project “Creative Entrepreneurship” that will be hosted from 02.10.2015. until 09.10.2015. in Djakovo, Croatia and will gather 30 youth workers and young leaders, representatives of CET Platform and 9 other partner organisations from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Poland and France.

Project Creative Entrepreneurship include one activity – training course that will be hosted from 02.10.2015. until 09.10.2015. in Djakovo, Croatia and will gather 30 youth workers and young leaders, representatives of CET Platform and 9 other partner organisations from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Poland and France.

Youth organisations involved in this project develop and implement local youth activities related to youth unemployment and youth entrepreneurship and have need to educate its staff about entrepreneurship, writing business plan and work with unemployed young people and young entrepreneurs. Using selection on European youth work non-formal education methods such as brainstorming, simulations, working in the groups, discussions, role plays and debates participants will be facilitated by 3 experienced trainers that will be from hosting and one sending organisation.

Concretely, objectives of this project are:
– To gather youth workers from different youth organisations in Europe dealing with youth entrepreneurship and educate them about promotion of youth entrepreneurship, motivation of young people, writing business plans and using free resources offered by EU and other stakeholders regarding this topic.
– To educate youth workers how to educate young entrepreneurs about strating, maintaining and developing business
– To identify, recognize and compare different issues regarding youth entrepreneurship in different European countries, particularly attitude of young people, society regarding entrepreneurship
– To empower youth organisation and create future project ideas within E+, establish deeper cooperation and ensure follow up activities regarding youth entrepreneurship and similar topics concerning youth
– To promote non-formal education as tool for promotion of entrepreneurship, fighting youth unemployment and support for youth business.

Project will have significant impact on youth workers involved and capacities of partner organsaitions to fight youth unemployment and social exclusion trough promotion and support to young entrepreneurs in their communities and trough international project. Project will also contribute to work of other youth organisations in this field.

Project is funded by Croatian National Agency within KA1 of Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.


3rd SummerGo Sea & Sports Camp. Healthy lifestyle through Outdoor Activities. Greece

Dates: 19-26 August 2015

Venue: Pieria, Thessaloniki, Greece

Eligible are 60 participants coming from: European countries or from regional countries who DO NOT need visa to enter Greece, or those who already hold a valid visa.

Deadline for participation fee payments: 18th July 2015

An introduction to the fun and exciting world of fun on the water with the best water sports team on the Thermaikos Bay! Nationally certified instructors will guide campers through a challenge-by-choice experience on the clean and beautiful waters of the Pieria’s coastline and Enipeas River.  This week-long camp offers a variety of water sports including Swimming, Team Building, and Boating Safety Kayak Challenges, kite-surf etc.


Our activity program guarantees a healthy balance between training, study and leisure time that allows campers to relax and unwind. Our dynamic team organizes a full program of elective social activities and outings,

The groups are arranged by age, and sports are adapted to each group’s age-range, The camper groups alternate tuition and sports & activities, e.g. those doing classes in the morning will do sports & activities in the afternoon, Besides sports like football, basketball, swimming, volleyball etc., participants will go in for archery, skill games and strategy teambuilding, Some of these activities take place at the facilities whereas others involve traveling to other sites. There is acting, dancing and arts & crafts too.

While the campers are going in for sports and activities, we promote respect, fun and a team spirit at all times. The campers’ safety and supervision are guaranteed at all times, Campers do a minimum of two sports and one activity per day.

Water Sports Program:

Sailing and windsurfing classes will be held on morning or afternoons, alternately during the week, learning how to sail in different weather conditions, Classes are scheduled, supervised and will be given in English. Kayaking (single and double seated) can be practiced during the week.

The site is located in the outskirts of Thessaloniki just 30klm away from its centre, into a lovely seashore. It is also very close to the Natural Park of Mount Olympus.


We are happy to announce that National Agency of Croatia has approved  ” Youth Participation in ACTion!”.
Countries involved: Croatia, Romania, Spain, FYROM, Turkey, Italy, United Kingdom.
Venue: Samobor, Croatia
Hostel: http://www.hostel-samobor.hr/

Date: 12.08.2015-18.08.2015

This training programme will:

  • explore participants understanding of Creativity, Empowerment and Learning and to understand how it relates to the Youth Strategy “Investing and empowering young people”,
  • share and develop methods and tools in order to enhance the creativity of young people using theatre and creativity as tools for non-formal and informal learning,
  • practice empowerment of young people in order to make them aware of their own values and competences,
  • support young people exploring their own personalities and strengths and to help to implement a creative learning plan,
  • share realities, tips and hints how youth workers can share good practice and develop a new model for this work,
  • plan local and international youth projects on empowerment, creativity and entrepreneurship for, by and with young people according to the proposals of Erasmus + programme.

Participants from programme countries will be selected to participate in the training programme. The selection process will be open to all partner organisations and via an applications participants will be asked to demonstrate their interest, willingness to be an active player and enthusiasm for the methodology.

The programme will consist of discussion, experimentation and practice. It will be run by experienced practitioners and trainers and will be responsive, based on the changing learning needs of the participants.

Methods will include: Theatre techniques, self – assessment, small group work, theatre, visual mapping, natural art, evaluation techniques and self reflection.



The exchange will last for 9 days in Edsbyn, Sweden. Participating countries will be Sweden, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain and Italy. Theme on the exchange will be the nature and health of the participants will get to test new outdoor activities, including canoeing and hiking historic trails. Health means different things to different people and therefore, one can find similarities and differences between the participants and what they define health and what is healthy. To live a healthy life is important and it is not just about exercise and eat right, but have a social life and good friends are also included. Our generation (90’s) has become very sedentary and likes to be indoors, because of technology. Therefore, we want to bring Europe’s youth into nature and let them explore the Swedish roam. Nature and the environment is very important to take care of and use properly. The development of technology contributes to very good things, but it has made people lazy and sedentary. We believe that everyone would benefit and learn by being involved in the project, through to come out and have fun with participants from different countries.

Project objectives:
The vision of the project is to bring up young people ‘s eyes to health and take care of yourself and the nature. Our main goal and purpose is to show young people how learning can be fun and exciting at the same time. Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development is relevant topics and it is important to inform young people about this. Since this is an exchange where five countries from across Europe will attend, we will give priority to utilize all cultures as the most relevant part of our business and as a source of education. To show participants how learning can be fun and exciting at the same time, our activities include the participants themselves, showing and teaching the culture while simultaneously learning from each other. During the week, participants will gain experience new activities such as hiking, canoeing and fishing. Activities like some of them never tried before. Seminars and workshops will also take place during the week. They will be about things like sustainable development and health. Seminars and workshops will be held by qualified teachers in the subjects. As previously participated in similar programs.

Energizers, this will help young people to open up their mind, get some energy and open up young people against each other. Cooperation exercises, prepared exercises of young people from different countries to help the young people to open up and get to know everyone Country workshops, preparing each country workshops to teach young people from other countries, some from their own. Leisure, the most important thing. When young people can really get to know each other in depth and talk about other than the project itself. Since first and foremost health and nature workshops, where young people will get to test on traditional games from each country and also test the new Swedish summer activities. All this will take place outdoors. Health will also involve diet and social life. The places we will come and make use of the nature. The goal is to be able to be out as much as possible. Therefore, not much space needed, but any space where you can be on the cultural evenings necessary.

Profile of participants:
18-25 years old

Working language: English

Every group have to prepare a presentation of their organization and the nature in their country. We’ll also play traditional games from every country so prepare for that.
There will be intercultural nights for each country and then you have to bring traditional sweets and foods.
There will be 25 participants + 5 leaders from Sweden, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain and Italy.


Advance Planning Visit: Outdoor Activities across Boarders!
Dates: 1-3 July 2015
Venue: Viksjöfors, Sweden
Eligible are 2 participants coming from: Italy and Involves 30 participants coming from Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Croatia
Application deadline: 29th June 2015

The vision of the project is to bring up young people ‘s eyes to health and take care of yourself and the nature. Our main goal and purpose is to show young people how learning can be fun and exciting at the same time.
Project objectives:
The Theme of the exchange will be the nature and health of the participants will get to test new outdoor activities, including canoeing and hiking historic trails. Health means different things to different people and therefore,  one can find similarities and differences between the participants and what they define health and what is healthy.
Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development is relevant topics and it is important to inform young people about this. Since this is an exchange where five countries from across Europe will attend, we will give priority to utilize all cultures as the most relevant part
of our business and as a source of education.
To show participants how learning can be fun and exciting at the same time, our activities include the participants themselves, showing and teaching the culture while simultaneously learning from each other. During the week, participants will gain experience new activities such as hiking, canoeing and fishing.
Activities like some of them never tried before. Seminars and workshops will also take place during the week. They will be about things like sustainable development and health. Seminars and workshops will be held by qualified teachers in the subjects. As previously participated in similar programs.

Energizers, this will help young people to open up their mind, get some energy and open up young people against each other. Cooperation exercises, prepared exercises of young people from different countries to help the young people to open up and get to know everyone Country workshops, preparing each country workshops to teach young people from other countries, some from their own.
Leisure, the most important thing. When young people can really get to know each other in depth and talk about other than the project itself. Since first and foremost health and nature workshops, where young people will get to test on traditional games from each country and also test the new Swedish summer activities.
All this will take place outdoors. Health will also involve diet and social life. The places we will come and make use of the nature. The goal is to be able to be out as much as possible. Therefore, not much space needed, but any space where you can be on the cultural evenings necessary.
To live a healthy life is important and it is not just about exercise and eat right, but have a social life and good friends are also included. Our generation (90’s) has become very sedentary  and likes to be indoors, because of technology. Therefore, we want to bring Europe’s youth into nature and let them explore the Swedish roam.
Nature and the environment is very important to take care of and use properly. The development of technology contributes to very good things, but it has made people lazy and sedentary. We believe that everyone would benefit and learn by being involved in the project, through to come out and have fun with participants from different countries.


Project Summary :

Training course ”Let me show you a key to success ”   will address the need present throughout whole Europe for competent young leaders and facilitators in civil society who will be willing and able to run educational activities for youth based on the values of the European Union and the Council of Europe, through usage of non-formal approach that has proven outmost flexibility beyond the borders of social classes, gender, nationalities and mentalities. TC seeks to enable participants to explore and actually understand the concept and factors behind non-formal learning, and thus to competently design, facilitate and debrief existing and novel non-formal learning sessions and opportunities. Furthermore, in order to ensure sustainability, this TC wants to provide the participants with a coached and structured opportunity to elaborate a professional and personal development plan based on competencies and values.

The international 9-day-lasting training course “Let me show you a key to success ” aims at enabling facilitators, trainers and activity leaders in international youth work and in Erasmus + projects to design, facilitate, debrief and reflect on non-formal learning processes and group dynamics of high impact. The Training Course is practically based using various techniques of experiential learning together with presentations, discussions and exchange of experiences, and it will use several approaches that are all based on participant-centred methods.
It will be held in Serbia from 18th to 26th of July 2015, and it will involve 28 participants (2 per country), including training team, coming from 11 different countries: that will work together on improving non formal education and youth work, thereby creating new opportunities for youngsters all over Europe!


L’associazione EUROSUD , è alla ricerca di 2 partecipanti per un progetto training course ” Your voice matters ! ” in Serbia.Tema principale la disabilità nel mondo del lavoro intesa nelle sue forme più varie.

Summary of the project: Mobility of youth workers – Partner Countries
Project by the name : Your Voice Matters !
Date: 19 -27 June 2015.
Venue: Serbia.
Involves 26 participants, 2 per organization, from 10 countries: Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Albania, Armenia, Serbia, Azerbaijan,Spain, FYROM, United Kingdom.

The project objectives are:
• to raise participants awareness about their social rights as young people with disabilities
• to acquire participants in skills required to receive a job (CV writing, motivation letters, presentation etc.)
• to familiarize participants with tools that can help them to discover their strengths and be more aware what kind of job they want to do and are good in
– to develop participants skills regarding entrepreneurship, knowledge of how to make own business (also socio-economy) and raising active attitude towards it
• to raise participants knowledge about European programs and other opportunities for internships, education and training
• to raise competences of youth workers working on engaging youth with disabilities in labor market, by providing them tools and methods to do so (career consulting)
Participants -young people with disabilities and youth workers actively engaged in work of ngo’s tackling issue of employability of people with disabilities.

Activities – 9 days training focused on employability of young people with disabilities (rights of young people with disabilities,  CV writing, motivation letter, job interview, entrepreneurship, launching own business and socioeconomic, career counseling and other tools, education and training opportunities within and outside EU)
All methods used in the project will be based on NFE methodology and peer learning such as individual and group work, brainstorms, presentations, simulations, role playing games, taking into account different learning styles of participants
As a result we launch handbook regarding employability of young people with disabilities including best practices, knowledge form the project (regarding rights etc.) best tools and methods on career counseling.
Thanks to the project we want to improve situation of young people with disabilities on labor market by acquiring them in necessary competences and also by train youth workers actively involved in this topic to offer more professional support. This will help to  shape more cohesive and inclusive society in Europe.


The aim of the project:

To question whether or not the recognition of non-formal education within the formal education system should be considered as an improvement to the current European educational system.

The objectives of the project are to:
1) research the different forms of education, especially formal, informal and non-formal.
2) understand which method of non-formal learning suits the participants as individuals best.
3) fight apathy and unemployment through non-formal education.
4) to discover the regions and culture of Malta, Sardinia and Apulia (Puglia).
5) to live and cooperate in an international environment with a group of people from a different background.
6) to learn how to present one’s work and disseminate in a interesting creative way.

The Partners of the Project:

Terra Di Mezzo (TDM) 2000 Malta
KSU – Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
Associazione TDM 2000



Summer Camp. View from the South 2015
Dates: 20-28 JUNE 2015
Venue: Strelac, Serbia
Eligible are 100 young people (without any age limit)
Application deadline: 20th May 2015 at 23:59 (GMT+2)

Our camps are a non-formal learning proposal for young people coming from many different countries and cultures. The aim of the activities, besides the realization of the projects, is to contribute to the creation of a multicultural society based on discussion between different people.
Our aim is to work both at local and global level. We believe that the presence in international camps of volunteers, coming from various countries and social backgrounds, brings us closer to this goal; thus, allowing local or isolated communities to get in touch with different cultures, and to learn and communicate with them.
We want to promote solidarity in a constructive way, not free assistance: practical help can be useful to overcome emergencies, but we prefer to provide tools and methods that can be used in order to build the Future… We will make village Strelac alive this summer! We are going to be socially responsible and help kids from boarding school for socially endangered children from Pirot region, by improving their facilities.
Also, we’ll help people from the village by painting the bridge, building a fence around the football court and more! Our proposal to you as a future volunteer is to take part in a project that will cover: – Full-learning experience of voluntary service for local communities, in an intercultural framework, while supporting your independence – Leisure activities to enjoy your free time, being in contact with local community and share their culture – Place for sleeping (bed or just a place to put your tent) and food.

eurosudInto Participation fee is Included:

  • 30 beds (for 30 applicants who apply first),
  • Place to put tent or matress inside the boarding school or outside, in the yard,
  • Full board,
  • Food according to the programme (3 meals per day),
  • Coffee/Tea,
  • Excursion.

➽ Participation fee is 80 Euro for Participants out of  Serbia, & 50 Euro for Participants from Serbia!



This is an Erasmus+ project bringing together youth workers from the EU and neighbouring regions (Mediterranean and Eastern Partnership) in order to explore the nature of the relationship between Europe and its neighbours, develop competences in intercultural dialogue and enhance future co-operation.
The project is a direct reflection of the interests and needs of young people in partner countries and communities.
The project will bring together youth workers and youth leaders from EU and Eastern Partnership (EaP) as well as Mediterranean countries (MEDA) countries: 64 participants (32 per seminar) from 15 organisations in13 countries (five EU countries: UK, Estonia, Spain, Poland and Italy, four EaP countries: Georgia, Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Ukraine as well as four MEDA countries: Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan). The project’s overall educational objective is to develop participants’ youth work competences.

Specific objectives include:
– Reflecting on the meaning of Europe, its borders and on Europe’s relationship with countries to its East and South;
– Gaining a general understanding of the European Union’s policy towards neighbouring regions: EasternEurope and the Mediterranean;
– Deepening the understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity in European youth work;
– Identifying key issues in EU-Eastern Partnership and EuroMed dialogue in youth work, and developing project ideas addressing these issues;
– Promoting co-operation between EU and EaP/MEDA organisations in youth work;
– Sharing of best practice between youth workers from the EU and EaP/MEDA countries;
– Improving the quality of future Erasmus+ projects through greater co-operation and development of joint projectsASHA will reimburse travel expenses at 80% of the overall cost.



EUROSUD,  in partnership with  Çanakkale Koza Gençlik Derneği , is looking for italian participants for the next   training course ” PEACE 2015 ” will be hel in Turkey –  Canakkale.
4 youth-workers , volunteers 18-30
6 – 10 Luglio 2015
Location: Canakkale (Turkey)

Description :
2015 is a really important year for Çanakkale. It’s 100 years anniversary of Gallipoli War. Why it’s so important for us? Because Çanakkale region has witnessed too many fights and wars from the existence of history. Troia, Alexander the Great, Persian Empire Xerxes and Gallipoli 1915. Nowadays Çanakkale people are willing to live in peace & harmony; Our municipality’s  motto “Let Peace be Our Culture” can explain you everything. We thought social media is a great chance for us to widen/raise this motto around the youngsters. In our opinion, the best way to memorialize and take lesson from a war is to promote peace and democracy culture among the youngsters, which will be leader of future.
Our aims in the project are:

  • to raise awareness among the 36 participants about human rights, democracy, cultural differences and tolerance,  to improve social media usage skills and planning of the PEACE 2015 online campaign, which will last till the end of 2015 to make meetings for the future collaborations and projects for 2015 via Erasmus + and other funds (not a project aim, our secret aim 😉


” RPE2015 – ROSE PICKING EXPERIENCE 2015” IN BULGARIA 1st – 9th 06.15

EUROSUD in collaboration with SOF ITALY and SOF international network is organizing the ” Rose Picking Experience 2015 ” in Bulgaria . RPE2015 is a Country Hopper project for youngsters between 18 and 30 years old.
Target group: youngsters between 18 and 30 years old
Dates: from the 1st of june until the 9th june 2015
Location: Kazanlak (Bulgaria)
Participating countries: Belgium, Bulgaria and Italy
The participants of this project will experience how to produce rose oil from roses, have the chance to go to the Valley of Roses in Bulgaria . The Valley of Roses is one of the biggest rose oil producers in the world.
As a CountryHopper you learn from the local gypsies how to pick roses in the fields of the wonderful Bulgarian nature. Don’t miss the sunrise, because early in the morning the aroma of the roses is the strongest! You will also have the chance to visit a rose oil factory.
For four days you will pick roses to find out what the way of life is of the Bulgarians and gypsies in the rose season.
Not only Kazanlak will be explored extensive, there is also time to visit the cities Sofia and Plovdiv. After our mornings on the field there are other excursions planned as well to the Shipkoff house, SoF Business Architect Center, the local youth house and other mysterious places in the neighborhood. You end your Country Hopper experience with a visit at the rose festival with a traditional rose parade and thousands of visitors from all over the world!Accomodation:Pavel Banya (name of the village) in House Ilona (http://bulrest.com/prope…/pavel-banya/ilona-house-l4409.html)Study visit in a rose factory (http://www.damascena.net/index_en.php)Shipkoff house: A museum about the history of Rose picking in Kazanlak (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php…)Apply with motivational letter , stating your reasons for applying for this
unique experience to eurosudngo@gmail.com
Object : “ RPE2015 – Rose Picking Experience 2015 ” Bulgaria 1st – 8th 06.15 “



We are happy to inform you that the Training course “Eco – Active in the City” has been approved by Polish  NA .
The project will be held in Krzyżowa and Wrocław, Poland, from 17th to 24th of May 2015.
The project will gather 27 youth workers from 9 European countries.
The main objective of the project is to promote youth entrepreneurship as a way to fight social exclusion. Participants will also learn basic ideas of Sustainable Development as a development strategy of the EU, will learn European mechanisms of support for young entrepreneurs, and will experience examples of good practices running in an urbanised environment. First part of the project will be held in beautiful youth centre in Krzyżowa (http://krzyzowa.org.pl/index.php/en), the project will end in Wroclaw, capital of the Lower Silesia region.
The project will be based on non-formal learning principle and will use methods such as brainstorming, discussions, debates, presentations, group work and other methods and will be implemented by an experienced team of trainers.Objectives of the training:
-to structure unemployment in various regions of Europe
-to learn basic ideas of entrepreneurship and sustainable development
-to bring information about European systems of support for youth enterpreneurship and employability
-to learn succesfull examples of socially responsible businesses run by young people

➽ All the information here



We are happy to inform you that the Training course “Mainstream Health , Mainstream Gender” has been approved by Greek NA in the April deadline and will be implemented by Penthesileia Association for international mobility , in Athens , Greece , from 16th to 23th of February , 2015.

Objectives of this project are:
– To provide space and time for youth workers and organizations working on healthy life issues among youth and healthy lifestyles to present their work,
– To exchange examples of good practice,
– To focus on the debate of the state of health in different realities of Europe and to reflect upon gender dimension of health,
– To explore different techniques as a means of promotion of positives of healthy lifestyles in terms of better communication with young people especially girls,
– To foster future cooperation and youth workers’ involvement in the process of creation of better approaches towards youth,
– To reflect on issues of health insurance policies and equality programmes of the European Union,
– To create and run follow-up activities in order to influence issues of marginalization of women and girls and to replace social exclusion with gender mainstreaming in healthcare.

The profile of the participants: Participants should be young leaders or youth workers. We expect participants to be over 18-35 years old.
➽How to get there ?
➽ All the information here
➽ Curriculum , application and cover letter to EUROSUDNGO@GMAIL.COM
➽Deadline for applications: 10.01.2015


We are happy to inform you that the Training course “Enterprise Goes Green” has been approved by Bulgarian NA.
EUROSUD ngo is looking for 2 italian participantswilling to take part in this amazing project .
The activities  will be implemented by Association for international mobility (AIM), in Berkovitsa, Bulgaria, from 18th to 25th of January, 2015.
This is a Training Course, that will be attended by 36 young people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary and Italy in order to provide in depth tackling of employment, sub-focusing on green jobs and sustainable development and ways & mechanisms of how to create a job opportunity for oneself.
TC will give its participants the necessary knowledge, skills and how to develop competences; give support to European policies and activism in their local communities, enabling them to develop and to run certain local initiatives in order to implement the learning outcomes of the TC into practice, especially ways of increasing employability of young people and raising awareness of renewable energy resources, environment friendly approaches and potential for new jobs in that field.
All the participants will be able to increase  capacities for research & development, and to foster partnerships for future action in the related field.
In this regard the program of the TC will focus first of all  on definitions, information and realities.
At second  and further level , the activities will be focused on developing individual competences and initiatives, and recognizing mechanisms for self-employment.
Moreover the activities will focus on development of entrepreneurial skills. All this is creating a framework of necessary competences needed for development of future ideas and projects which will be implemented in the follow-up activities, creating long-term impact and strengthening the results of the TC as contributing to young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship.
Ativities during the TC are based on  non-formal and informal methodology , learning-by-doing,peer to peer discussions ,  using various exercises, work in small groups, simulations, round tables, individual activities, intensive debriefings and evaluations  of the experiences.

Deadline for applications: 10.12.2014
➽ Curriculum , application and cover letter to EUROSUDNGO@GMAIL.COM
➽ Infopack
Application form


The main focus of the training “Straight forward equality for LGBT rights” is to gain an understanding of the situation regarding the rights of the LGBT community, the irrelevance of stereotypes against the LGBT community, the effects of marginalization of the LGBT community and the current situation regarding LGBT campaigns. The training is also arranged to share good practice in methods of increasing youth understanding of LGBT integration issues. Especially in the marginalized youth communities such as young people from Roma communities, ethnic minorities and those in poverty.
The aim is to gather youth workers, leaders, researchers and policy makers, and will emerge the
m into dialogue with the aim to identify new approaches and methods in building accessible resources for youth to promote education and understanding for the LGBT community.
Participants will discuss models and approaches to enhance collaboration among youth work stakeholders and develop quality support systems to increase LGBT acceptance in youth especially those of socially excluded backgrounds.
The theme is to share youth work practices on supporting and educating youth in social issues across Europe; and also to develop techniques and tools with which to empower socially excluded young people to have a voice in youth policy regard these issues.

Curriculim, application and cover letter to eurosudngo@gmail.com