🌍 An amazing journey at the International Erasmus+ Seminar, “Solidarity Comp” in the picturesque Alqueva, Portel, Portugal! 🇵🇹✨

As we closed an inspiring week, filled with enriching experiences from August 27th to September 2nd, we are overwhelmed by the dedication and passion of every participant who joined us from across Europe. Each day was a new opportunity to explore the multifaceted benefits of volunteering, deepen our understanding of democracy, and develop skills that will last a lifetime.

From workshops to discussions, our young participants embraced the non-formal learning environment, showcasing incredible growth and a newfound appreciation for community service. Together, we’ve taken significant steps towards fostering a culture of solidarity and active participation among European youth.

A special thank you to the Municipality of Portel for making our journey smooth and memorable, and to all our partners and volunteers who made this seminar a success.

We leave Alqueva inspired, motivated, and ready to make a difference in our communities. Keep volunteering, keep learning, and let’s continue to build bridges of understanding and cooperation across borders! 🌉🤝

#ErasmusPlus #SolidarityComp #YouthExchange#Volunteering #ActiveCitizenship #Alqueva #Portugal#LearningJourney #CulturalExchange #Solidarity#EuropeanYouth


The study visit to Ghent, titled “Youth Policies for Better Local Democracies,” was organized by the DYPALL Network in collaboration with Bataljong and the Youth Department of the City of Ghent. It took place from May 27th to June 1st, 2024. 

During the visit, participants explored youth participation in Ghent, the European Youth Capital 2024, and connected with other European organizations focused on youth involvement in local decision-making processes. The program provided opportunities to learn from Bataljong and interact with the Ghent Local Youth Council. Visits to the LARF and BROEI activity and thinking spaces offered firsthand insights into youth engagement practices.
Additionally, attendees participated in the final conference of Platform C, organized by Bataljong, which showcased successful models of local youth participation in decision-making.

During the activity, the participants learned about youth participation in Ghent, the European Youth Capital 2024, and got to know other European organisations working in the field of youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level.

The study visit’s programme offered participants the opportunity to learn from Bataljong‘s best practices. With a focus on enhancing democratic processes, Bataljong provides ongoing support to local governments in Flanders, Belgium, in establishing and maintaining platforms for youth engagement in decision-making. Participants were introduced to initiatives such as Debattle, Jonge Wegweters, and Roadmap. They also engaged with the Ghent Local Youth Council. This Council, consisting of 20 members aged 16-30, advises on policy, holds elections, and develops a memorandum of youth priorities to be included in political programmes for local elections, presenting it to political parties.

Visits to the LARF! and BROEI allowed participants to discover youth involvement practices first-hand. LARF! is a non-profit organization and a cultural educational organization where children and young people are at the center, regardless of their origin, background or talent and  BROEI is a creative space supporting the EYC with activities, where 25 youth-oriented organisations make use of the space and program. The BROEI lab consists of 60 people who give workshops to each other and learn collaboratively.

Furthermore, participation in the final conference of Platform C, organised by Bataljong, further enriched the visit with successful models of local youth participation in decision-making. Platform C emphasizes making local policy together with young people, seeing them as part of an ecosystem. Key discussions highlighted the importance of young people’s voices in policy-making, the need for better information on how policy works, and strategies for engaging both young people and politicians in dialogue.

The study visit was funded by the Erasmus+ program through the JINT National Agency.


From May 23 to 31, 2024, a group of 26 youngsters and youth workers from across Europe gathered in Bakuriani, Georgia, to train their empathy and promote genuine human connections across cultures.

Sofia, Noemi, Giorgia, and Lorenzo, sent by EUROSUD, participated in this adventure. Guided by trainers Manuele Heuberger and Lydie Guégan, we focused on creating authentic connections and training our empathy. The project’s overall goal was to promote a more inclusive and connected European society.

We were provided with numerous tools for self-discovery and empowerment in youth work, which we explored with colleagues from France, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, and Ukraine. The competencies learned included non-violent communication, mediation of conflictual situations, recognizing limiting beliefs, connecting to a strong purpose, developing authentic relationships, and managing them. Personal development was fostered through mindfulness and self-discovery practices, meditation sessions, and cultural exchanges.

During the 7-day retreat in Bakuriani, we had the chance to participate in meditation sessions, bodywork and respiration practices, journaling, sharing circles, self-inquiry, sensory exploration, mindful walks in nature, emotional release, team building, and many other activities that helped us connect with our inner selves and others.

Thanks to this training project, we are now able to name our emotions and return home with the desire to share mindful practices with our communities and friends. We believe that a world of peace begins with finding peace and purpose within ourselves.

We want to thank Youth Association DRONI for hosting this amazing project in the beautiful mountains of Georgia and Erasmus+ for financing such an unforgettable experience.